Sunday, February 16, 2014

Winter Everyday Forevermore Maybe

By Nan S
Spring is coming, but in the last several years, it’s as though winter lasts all year round.  Many people are becoming quite cold…No…I take that back…ice cold! In fact, if it gets any colder, penguins are going to pop up everywhere.  We have turned a would-be paradise into a cold, dark, empty planet where love has been turned on its head.  Outside in a never-never land of hatred, ruin, and a toxic world, we pass each other every day and instead of a joyful hello or smile, we act as though we fear each other.
People judge each other for all the wrong reasons and sow more and more animosity every second of every minute of every hour of each day, and fail to forgive each other for the smallest things.  Make no mistake about it; even families are turning on their very own family members over things like material wealth and other social standards.
In a demanding world such as the world as it stands now, people will only enter your life for very short durations and then they are gone and it seems like as long as you have enough money to keep them happy, they will stay.  Lose the money and the whole friendship collapses in on itself or another relationship goes up in smoke.
Men and women in competition with each other
In fact, when I am in relationships, men tend to fear that I may become a gold digger probably because so many women use men for so called “providers” and that is not something you get into a relationship for but women were brainwashed for so many years to think that the only purpose of having a spouse is for them to provide for them, open their car doors for them, and do all the manual labor around the house for them when they should be responsible enough to want to learn to do these things themselves.  So many women like this end up getting out of shape and then complain about it and whose fault is it that they make their husbands do every single thing for them?  Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of lazy guys that expect the woman to do it all too but it is about women doing it that is socially promoted and men just do not trust us anymore because it is so widely endorsed that they must always be the providers, so men automatically think every woman who comes around just wants that and does not really care about him.
This is not about who is employed and who is not either. We all know that jobs are becoming an endangered species and soon there will be plenty of people who will not be able to be providers.  As long as we allow those psychotic vipers to run everything, humans will soon be obsolete, and machines will take our place.  However, not until they have worn us all down to nothing through slavery, lack of sleep, and constant stress.
So what it all adds up to is that our controllers on the top tiers decided long ago to use this as one of the many ways to destroy the family structure.  This is clearly another Divide and Conquer Weapon!  For me, it has become so bad that men seem to feel that they need to wait on me hand and foot when I would rather do everything myself or do it equally with him.  Being a young widow for so many years, I have been on my own for so long that it is liberating to be able do everything that I am capable of doing myself so I really would only want a guy because I want him for what he has to offer me from what is inside his soul.  I do not care about all that material stuff and no one else should either. Besides, this makes women feel like they are less proficient than men and this also causes resentment.  I am not trying to find a marriage partner but I am mentioning this because it happens so frequently in our society now and this is what our children have to look forward to when looking for relationships these days. How will they trust their partners with such age old propaganda?
Now that I mentioned young people, I really dislike when people downgrade single parents.  It is not easy to be parent but to be a single parent is tough work if you are doing it right.  You may not get paid for it but that does not mean that it is something that is easy to do.  It requires you to be both a father and a mother and it also requires that you raise your kids with good morals and values.  Not the morals and values that a certain group of Christians think that are good morals and values.  You have to be willing to be your child’s best friend or else they will not listen to what you are trying to teach them and you could very well impair their lives forever if you resort to verbal and emotional beatings like so many parents do.
It is bad enough that this society is overly harsh and demanding of us now but a parent should always have a willing and open heart to share with their children without calling them failures or worthless when they make mistakes, and yes, I know parents who actually do this to their kids.  After all, if you insult them like that, they are more likely to grow up making even worse mistakes.  If you understand them, they will be more likely to take what you have to say to them to heart and less likely to end up doing things like drugs when they get older.  They will be more successful as well because they will have more confidence in themselves than those children that are constantly being told that they will never amount to anything.  When you are there for them early on, when they do run into problems, they will feel more comfortable to come back to you and ask you what they should do.
Let’s face it, they are our future so we need to love them, encourage them, and correct them in a loving way.   So we need to quit judging good parents and it does not matter whether they are single, widowed, or married as long as they are being a devoted and loving parent.  There is not a lot of those left today so appreciate them!
We measure each other to see who is more marginal
People are very superficial and they look at things like success,  how social you are, how many friends or family that you have, what rumors that they hear about you, whether you are the same race as them, gay or straight, what religion you are, how crooked your teeth are, how much you weigh, whether your married or single, how popular you are, whether you have a nice car or a clunker or ride the bus, whether you have a college degree or not, whether you own a house or rent an apartment or live in a trailer or in your parent’s basement, whether you are going to a two year college or to grad school, and everything under the sun.
The things that people should be looking at are the very inner essence of the soul, how we treat one another, whether we follow and obey society or whether we think outside the balloon, whether we care about people for who they are, and if we will be there when they need us most.
Evil has a way of festering until it explodes, spreads, and shatters.  The more it spreads, the worse conditions get on this sphere.  We need to start by changing how we think.  We all have access to this inside us but we do not take the time to listen to that inner conscience that tugs at us every time we decide to do the wrong things.  Often enough, the only way we really listen or understand it is when we suffer the consequences from our mistakes but maybe it will be too late at that point.
Appearance isn’t everything
I have noticed that it is even difficult to get anyone to post articles on their websites unless the writer has a big huge elaborate BIO like they learned to write blogs by going to a four year college to do so.  I have seen many people who write blogs, and surprisingly, many who put up those kinds of great biographies do not always write the greatest blogs.  Some do but some do not.  Just like some who never went to college write great articles and some do not.  You are either good at it or you are not.  It depends on whether it is your thing or not.  So many of us have so much to offer with different skills and talents but it is so often ignored because of superficial titles.  We all have so much to offer, but in this world, many of the things we do goes unnoticed and unused because we do not possess popularity or wealth.  This happens with almost everything we do in life and the reason is that the corporate colleges want to use us to extort more money out of us.
We go to colleges to earn a label and we pay out of the ass for it.  Most of the time we can never pay it all back so we are left with a title and nothing to speak for it but a nice BIG debt monkey which latches on to us and never goes away.  Even if we are lucky enough to find employment in the profession that we went to school for, we owe so much on the debt in which we have accumulated over the years, that we have very little left over to do anything else with.  It is a giant Ponzi scheme just like everything else that they do to us to get all our money.
In a better world, we would not need to do that.  Those of us who have learned a trade would teach newbies the trade until they become good enough to put it into practice.  Many things do not require an expensive college degree but more and more trades and skills require you to go to college and earn a degree these days just so they can syphon more money out of us.
A final thought
What I am getting at here is that this is one of the reasons that this world is in the situation that it is.  We depend on the usurpers running things on top instead of each other and nothing ever gets resolved because we are unwilling overlook each other’s imperfections long enough to pull ourselves together as a people and if we never pull ourselves together, there is no chance that we will ever be able to stop them from turning this world into a living nightmare.  This is what it will be if we continue to allow them to perpetuate the laws.
Many people think that some dynamic divine entity is going to step in and save the day, but in actuality, it is us that will have to.  It will require that most of us wake up and stop it before it happens and if we don’t then the intervention will be the natural order who will have to do a total reset and that will mean the end to human civilization for the most part. Yes we will eventually come back but we will have to start all over again.
People never learn and hatred is a poison and it is so destructive to our civilization but so many people continue to hate and be destructive anyhow. They would rather do that then to unite with each other and work to make this a better world. Further, I think the whole purpose of this life on planet earth is for us to learn but sadly very few of us ever do so we have to keep repeating the same process until we do.
We cannot disregard each other any longer and expect things to change.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Slaving for the Roaches

By Nan S

I have been busy thinking and thinking about the condition of people and our planet and I must tell you that it does not look very promising.  You see, people have been conditioned for a very long time to think that collectiveness is bad and that is only if we collectedly follow the elitists like cows following them to be slaughtered which I see far too many people doing.   Those psycho-monsters above us want us to believe that it is bad because if we mutually stand together then that is when we are most likely to stand against them.
People have become so automated and very difficult to reach except for on Facebook.  Most of the time, we are devising new methods to attack each other.  We have been taught that money makes us who we are and we judge according to that.  If you don’t have it then you are tossed away into the garbage and forgotten until someone needs you for something.  When I talk to people, they will talk and talk about their problems but when you approach them with a problem, they either run the other way or they just talk over you while you are trying to convey what is bothering you.  We have become so self-absorbed, that we have forgotten each other’s needs.  This is becoming more and more of a norm in our society and it is accelerating.
What we need to do is stop hating each other and collectively cut off their (these psycho-monsters) lifeblood and stop buying their products, stop working for them, stop obeying our governments, stop fighting their wars, stop paying their taxes, and start our own local governments with regular people not psycho-billionaires.   We also need to band together and put them behind bars with our own newly made legal system and make sure that they are never ever allowed to walk the streets again.
We all have some kind of skill.  For example, some of us own livestock, most of us can plant, and many of us hunt or can learn to hunt, some of us know how to build and the possibilities are endless! We can rebuild this country without them because if we let this go on, we are not going to have a country left to build.  Please keep in mind that most of us are going to have to agree to do this so this is why it is very imperative that we all learn to respect each other and tear down the walls of division.
You have an issue if you think that there is a difference between Republican and Democrat. Both are catering to the 1% and could care less for us. WE need to quit voting! They are all frauds and feudal lords.  Knowing this should make you refuse to vote because if you vote for these poor excuses of genetic junk, you are responsible for the continued obedience to these bags of garbage, and why would you want to be considered a gullible human slave to anyone?
The richer people get, the more corrupted they get! This is why I am not sure I would want to be rich! It would destroy any kind of good karma that I have earned in this life so far and this is not a chance that I will willingly take!  I also have a funny suspicion that soon many people will be taking a very deep nosedive into the big dumpster of poverty, and depending on how well off they were before the crash will determine how painful the fall will be.  Anybody in the middle class is not immune from this, either (even the upper middle classes and other well-to-do people).   Many of these folks like to pick on the ones underneath them but what they are failing to understand is that the people at the lowest tier are so used to carrying all the weight of all the rest who are at the top of them and they have developed much more muscle in them to withstand much more weight before it crushes them.   Just know that the gap is going to get wider and wider before there is nothing left but the 1% and then the rest of us who will be living in third world conditions.  If you ever seen some of those poor starving African kids that you sometimes see in magazines, then you can rest assure that this is what our future will hold for every last one of us if we do not fix this mess soon.
If this country was ever completely locked down, it would require them to be able to grab all our guns, yes?  They do not understand simple logic because many Americans have stockpiled illegal guns.
In the event that there is a complete economic disaster, many people will go rioting the stupid way but the smart person is the one who hides until the masses kill each other and then comes out and gathers the food afterwards!
Don't you see, those clowns in Washington DC (Republicans and Democrats) are working for the crony capitalist bankers and they just want to confiscate more and more of our money! People, it is time to fight for what is rightfully ours but we can do it in such a way that we will not all get killed before we have a chance to win!
Obama would rather default the country and make massive cuts to ordinary Americans. For example, the only purpose of Obamacare is to feed the pig. Ever see those commercials?  No one should have to be punished with paying a fine just because they cannot afford healthcare and the employers are using this to punish the workers even further just so they can cut their work hours even more. It is a double whammy for the working class!
This country is not the greatest nation anymore and it is turning into a police rogue state that goes around bullying other countries and its own citizens. Yep...Every single one of them are and both parties are Zionist owned pieces of garbage and none of them can be counted on. It is time that people wake up and see that both parties are married to each other, married to Israel with all her wars, and have the same exact agendas on all accounts.  Soldiers fighting the greedy corporal wars just to be torn to pieces during combat and if they are lucky to make it back alive, they are treated as if they are nothing but dirt by their own country.  Many are left impoverished and homeless.  Now, in certain states, they are sending many of our veterans to jail because they want to stay warm because they were denied what they rightfully earned fighting our selfish wars and left homeless.
Guess what? Now it is also becoming a crime in many places in the US and UK to even be allowed to be homeless when it was them who put these people in this situation to begin with and that is all because the prisons have become greedy corporations and are making a profit from it.  It is not really about money, it is about controlling us.
The system has been set up this way so they can bring about Agenda 21 and turn this world into a Hunger Games-like scenario.   This way they will have tighter control over all of us because we will be depopulated and squashed into small places. The Hunger Games is the best comparison I can give to explain their Agenda 21 idea which they have been building into their NWO schemes for quite some time.  You should read up on this and get familiar with it.
Don’t blame each other.  Blame NAFTA. Blame the bankers for bankrupting us with their faulty wars, Ponzi schemes, and by printing money out of thin air while charging the United States the interest which is put onto the American people to foot. Blame the White house for doing their bidding instead of ours. We are all victims of their greediness and madness so we should be furious with them. It is going to get worse before it is all done!  Like a criminal, we may as well have a ball and chain attached to us.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Abhorrence and the way it divides us

Abhorrence and the way it divides us
BY Nan S
One of the reasons United States has become such a hell hole is because no matter where we go, we always find that someone is hating on another group for no real good reason and we have become so focused on looking for flaws in each other that we have very little time to look at the real problems.  This has also slipped into the alternate news stream.  People write completely good stories until I get to the part where they start pointing blame at someone that they really shouldn’t and sometimes it gets really ugly.  They insult gay people when being gay is clearly not the issue.  Why do they care so much about something that is not hurting them at all?  They are so worried about whether it is a choice but so what if it is.  We have free will and as long as no one is being physically or mentally harmed by it, why is it a problem?  If they do not like it, they do not have to be one. The gay community does much the same thing to straight people and I also have a problem with this.  I am very much against the hatred that the LBGT is spewing about how all straight people are homophobes and even getting the gay people to hate their family and friends because of this.  It is clearly another divide and conquer weapon invented by the controllers.
People in the United States have to have someone to pick on all the time or they are not happy at all.  I have noticed this attitude with some Christian and anti-Zionist crowds.  The anti-Zionists are quite justified when they complain about Israel and how wrong it is for her to torture the Palestinians and how Israel is buying off our politicians to do all their dirty work.  There is no doubt in my mind that this is a fact but some Christians are going along with this as well and are just as guilty as the Jews for this.  So the problem is that the globalists are using religion as a tool to divide us and a tool for violence and a tool to get everything that they want out of us.  They are not really Jews or Christians.  They just use that as a front to make themselves look good and to bamboozle the population into fighting with each other.  These evildoers are Jesuits which is Satanism to be exact yet we are so gullible that we ignore it.
I have no doubt that there are good Christians and good Jews but they are regular people who are not the extremist types.  Both Christians and Jews have their different sects and some groups are not taught to be bigoted. For example: The neocon Christians do not seem to be for anything that Jesus taught because they unrighteously  judge people based on things like their social positions in life, or they make fun of Muslims and different races.   I will not generalize to the point that I will say all of them do this but many of them do and Jesus taught us to love one another irregardless of how much money they have.  Jesus taught that we are all equal and if we are equal then that means that we are the same in his eyes.    I am not a religious person myself but I would much prefer to be Catholic if I was because they seem to be more open minded and less judgmental towards others. I imagine that this happens in the Jewish religion as well and that there are more tolerant groups. You are not going to find them at the top.  That is for sure.   I still think it is best to avoid religion and think for yourself.  If you follow other beliefs then they are not your own and then you run into the danger of being narrow minded and in many cases you end up alienating good people and contributing to the domino effect of division and you shut yourself off from learning important things that may protect you in the end.
There has been some blogs that I have read that spew so much rubbish about others that I do not know why people in Alternate News post that kind of junk.  I just read one recently where a certain depraved individual posted that the unemployed are Fat, Stupid and lazy even though this loser knows that there are actually very few jobs left ,and add insult to injury, just decided to blame it on them when they are struggling to even survive.  He tried to say that it is learned helplessness when they have no control about the state of this economy and what the greedy rich are doing to us all through their trade agreements which are shipping all the jobs to places like China and replacing the good jobs with crappy robot slave wage ones without any kind of benefits.  To put someone down because they are not able to find work makes you look stupid.  The individual who keeps saying this gets paid to do what I do here for free and lots of money and he is very well to do just because he was lucky.  He never probably had to suffer to make ends meet in his whole miserable life and so it is easy for him to judge others but one day his luck might just run out and what will he do?  Will he starve and go homeless like he expects others to do?  I doubt it! He also says that because they have to use benefits that they love Obama.  That is the biggest and most stupid generalization I have ever heard and his little followers agree with him.  For one thing, so called Obamaphones started under Bush’s watch. They (the self-righteous right winged extremists) are  very sad foolish human beings that need to suffer a little so they lose that selfish cold ego that most of that group possesses.  They are so sure that it will not happen to them and that they are perfect people whom it could never happen to but it will eventually catch up with them, too.  Life has a way of biting you in the ass so you had better watch how you treat others because it could be you next and people like you will probably be ill prepared to deal with losing all your precious material wealth.  People who have had to struggle have learned how to deal with having nothing and new ways to adjust to it so they will be able to deal with it much better than the spoiled losers who hate the poor.
What about the racist losers who are so ignorant and undeserving of life because they say ignorant things like black people have a smaller brain or they look like ugly apes?  I have seen plenty of stupid and ugly people in all races and vice versa so this is clearly a very ignorant and stupid statement to make about another human being that may very well be the nicest and giving person you could ever meet.
If you think like this, you are no better than the very ones on top that you complain so much about and you really should not be writing articles because you are not qualified to pass your opinion.  You are a walking talking time bomb which will eventually implode in on yourself and no one will help you when it happens because you earned some pretty nasty karma for doing so.