Thursday, January 9, 2014

Confronting the Human Race

By Nan S


Three different kinds of people exist on this orb:

The Psychopathic Vampire

This is a type of human that takes the pleasure in trampling all over humanity for their own benefit. All Globalists fall into this very category. Many others also fall into this category. It is not hard to identify these monsters. They are spongers! If you let them do it long enough, like the Wraiths on Star Gate, they will suck the life out of you. I have dealt with many people like these behemoths in my life. They do not care how anyone feels or reacts to them. They take no sympathy on you even if they see how much misery that they have caused you because of them. They are usurpers, greedy, and heartless. They manipulate people for entertainment and love to watch them become despondent and destitute. Many have delusions of Grandeur. They think that they are the only ones entitled to any kind of contentment and that everyone else is below them and deserves only misery. If you let them abuse you long enough, they will make you believe that you are rubbish. Then you will start doing their bidding because they will promise you that if you follow their rules, you will become like them but it never happens. You just become their slaves and they become your feudal lords.

The Passive/Gullible underlings

3 things cause humans to be passive.

Gullibility, Apathy, or Fear

Humans are a strange creature and many these days have become so accustomed to rules, respect for the authorities or superiors that they have forgotten to evaluate these establishments before accepting everything that they recommend for us. They trust these people because we have been conditioned over the years (in slow increments) to carelessly accept everything that they dish out to us whether it is good for us or bad.

Another thing that I have noticed is that it has been considered dishonorable to question the ruling class and the society and the way it is operated so people are afraid to stand up to it for fear that they will be cast out. In an upside down, twisted towards polar opposite and backwards place in which the US has become, some are just plain confused about what is right and wrong – especially those younger people who were born into it and never knew any other way. They need those of us who were taught different to reprogram them about how it is really supposed to be. Some of us older adults somehow devolved and now think this way too. How that happened, I cannot tell you. I guess for some, they are very easily corruptible or maybe they know the right way but refuse to follow it because they want to fit into the crowd and the latest trend.

According to the Webster Dictionary, apathy is defined as lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness. Many people in the United States seem to reflect that definition. They have been distracted by football, Facebook, various religions, texting, work, gaming, TV shows, and other things which have taken their total focus off of important things going on in the world and around them. It is certainly fine to enjoy these outlets but it is also important that you take time out to update and educate yourself about the things that are going wrong in this place. Otherwise, it will just catch you like a thief in the night when it is way too late to stop it.

Stupidity is another cause whether we care to admit that we have been brainwashed, dumbed down, or drugged up to the point where we are clueless and do not care to be anything but dumb! As I said before, you do not have to go to college to raise your IQ. We have the internet and there is a whole World Wide Web out there that we can study. Yes, it takes work but it is very much worth it in the end.

The “I don’t give a fuck what you think!” type – Defiant/rebel

This is the type of person that we all should aim to be. These types are free thinkers. They are not afraid like the passive underlings to stand up to the psycho-vampires. They research and have a certain innate ability to sense when danger is near. The most disheartening fact is that if more of us do not become the defiant rebel, we are all going to wake up one day with a boot in our faces and it will be too late to stop it.

There are Three Political Parties ideologies on our planet

The type of person you are goes hand in hand with what kind of political party that you will most likely choose.

Conservative minded (extreme right) – mostly Psychotic vampires

Progressive minded (extreme left) – mostly Passive/Gullible underlings

Free minded – usually do not take political sides but can agree with some of the ideas from each of the parties above like I do. However, many also have some of their own unique ideas as well.


There are followers and there are leaders and there are somewhere inbetweeners! I wish that I could say that most of us are not followers but that would be a massive lie! Right now, the globalists have pulled some very bad misdeeds on us yet people are not watching or holding them accountable for any of what they have done to all of humanity. They continue to confiscate all our money and spend it on useless wars, to make more profit, to arm the thugs we call police now, to spy on us(NSA), to deny quality health care that everybody can afford, to sell us out to the corporations, big pharma, and the bankers, to make more and more laws as to box us all into hell on earth, to give us toxic vaccinations, spray us like unwanted bugs, give us Fukuradiation to finish the kill, dumb down our kids, ……and I could go on and on all day and all night with the interminable list of mayhems that these depraved losers have forced upon us.

Another cause of apathy is the fact that most people in America are so concerned with what everyone is doing. They put so much emphasis on how wrong someone else is instead of attempting to look at what might be wrong with themselves. They actually worry so much about the defects of others that they cannot spend their energies on looking at the shape of this world even though it is so apparent. Not only has that but division kept us from coming together and terminating this mayhem once and for all.