By Nan S
The world is a mess now, and sadly, not everybody cares to notice it. Most people have developed a normalcy bias. According to Wikipedia Normalcy bias means “The normalcy bias, or normality bias, refers to a mental state people enter when facing a disaster. It causes people to underestimate both the possibility of a disaster occurring and its possible effects. This often results in situations where people fail to adequately prepare for a disaster, and on a larger scale, the failure of governments to include the populace in its disaster preparations. The assumption that is made in the case of the normalcy bias is that since a disaster never has occurred then it never will occur. It also results in the inability of people to cope with a disaster once it occurs. People with a normalcy bias have difficulties reacting to something they have not experienced before. People also tend to interpret warnings in the most optimistic way possible, seizing on any ambiguities to infer a less serious situation.” (1)
They do not want to see the evidence that we are losing more and more liberties by the minute. They repudiate any form of sense and would rather go the way of a fool, because one reason is that for many, this is all that they have ever known because their teachers are now the ones who are raising them instead of the parents who are off somewhere either working themselves into oblivion or they are just too lazy to give a care about bothering to teach them about the ways that things should be or close to what should be because nothing has been very right for a long while in this world but we can do the best to educate ourselves about how horrible things have gotten since it has gotten really bad. Many others have just become despondent and have given up any kind of hope which is easy to understand given the condition of this planet and everyone in it.
An unhappy place such as this
If you go into a store or to an appointment these days, people are acting very rude to their customers. This was not what I was taught in my business class. People used to practice good social skills at least when they were dealing with their customers but now people just attack you if you have a complaint even if you are acting calm and respectful when you present it to them. People are basically taking their anger about this world out on everyone else except for the ones that they should really be angry with. It is the easiest way out so they think. Just blame it on the innocent ones. Problem with that whole mentality is that nothing will ever get accomplished that way. People are angry with their jobs because every single day, they are getting less hours, businesses are going out of business as fast as a meth user loses their teeth, and people are becoming more and more angry as a result but what good will it do them to take it out on people that had nothing to do with it in the first place. They direct their anger and resentment in the wrong direction. It is easier to do that then to fight the real demons.
It is taught in our society now that it is wrong to help each other and that it is wrong to feel any kind of emotions. If you get angry, you are called a Psycho even if you are justifiably so. If you show empathy, you are weak and too soft. If you are a kid and have lots of energy, you have ADHD. If you complain, you need a shrink! If you can’t find a job, you have only yourself to blame because you made that choice. If you stand up for a friend, you are told to stay out of it. If you advocate against the way the system is today, you are wearing a tin foil hat. If you do not take a flu shot, you are considered an anti-vaccy. So…see where this is all going? This is all propaganda that has slipped into the population over the years and is just getting increasingly worse. The globalists have invented it and it is working out very well but it is time for us to face the music because once you open Pandora’s Box , it just keeps opening more until you let all the demons in and this place will no longer be earth but it will become hell instead. It is already there but it will become a horror story type of hell if we continue to let the door open.
The real demons are the government, the bankers, and the corporations and they want us all to hate each other because that takes the heat off of what they are doing that is causing the ruination of us and our world. So go ahead and continue to give into their cause and see how far that gets you. If you are one of those people who think it is just going to magically get better then you are living in a fantasy world. History should tell you that it never gets better as long as these depraved losers are in control. You can impeach a president but that is just an illusion. When they impeached Clinton, he still remained to finish up his term. Besides, impeaching one clown will only bring a new clown to take his/her place. They have cloning machines for these types it seems!
What Needs to be done………
Is they all need impeached and tossed out of office and imprisoned forever. Maybe we can make them work for us instead. They can toil and toil to make our products just like they did to us but they can do it in a prison sweat shop because they are responsible for all of this so they deserve it. Let’s see how much they enjoy being robot slaves since they seem to think we enjoy it so much. What exactly are they responsible for, you ask? Well, let’s look at a list:
The economy
Cheap labor
Federal Reserve
Rich verses the poor
Global economic collapse
The spying
NSA and other various technologies
RFID Chips are being planned to be put into all newborns
The failing infrastructure of:
Electric Grid
Roads and bridges
Failing Nuclear Plants
The wars
Many other wars taking place all over the planet
Domestic War against us
Wars between the citizens due to religion, politics, race, social class
Massive Brainwash
Dumbing down
Poisoning the masses
GMO food
Oil Spills
Failing Nuclear power plants
Threat of Planet Cooling
And this is not even a completed list. Many people might ask me if I do not like it, why don’t I go out and fix it myself. Not one person can fix this. This requires a collective approach and I am not just talking about a small group. I am talking about how all of us need to wake up and start ending this. We have let them trample on us for far too long and if we do not quit allowing them to run us, this world will be no more. How can you people stand to just sit back and watch them pull the rug right out from underneath you? How can you live under all these rules when they are doing whatever they want and thinking to themselves about how stupid and pathetic the rest of us are? We are working three or four jobs for them, living in poverty and unsanitary conditions more and more for these bozos. We are standing back and believing lies that they are better than us, and therefore, they deserve to live better than us. They are using us and withholding all the natural resources from us that we should be allowed to enjoy just as much as they do and they use money as a tool to keep all these things from us while they can continue to sit back and be the lazy parasitic villains that they are.
So we are going to continue to fight amongst ourselves and point the finger the other way instead of at them?
You might say that it is a very funny kind of a world and that our world is starting to go into that direction of the circus. Some people are starting to resemble clowns. Some people are starting to resemble barbarians. Some people are starting to resemble zombies. Some people are starting to resemble perpetual liars. Some people are starting to resemble sleep walkers but one thing that most of us are not is wide awake and alert and we have much to do once we rise from our slumber because there are so many happenings occurring all over the world that demands our attention but it is not only about waking up. It is also about getting up the courage to finally say NO MORE!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Obama’s State of the union Lies
By Nan S
“In the coming months, let’s see where else we can make progress together. Let’s make this a year of action. That’s what most Americans want – for all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations. And what I believe unites the people of this nation, regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor, is the simple, profound belief in opportunity for all – the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead,” he said.
American hopes and aspirations? I guess that he forgot to mention the TTP that he is secretly working out behind closed doors, the Ponzi scheme called Obamacare that he created, or the fact that we have lost tons more freedoms under his watch and not to mention, the horrible poverty that has blossomed under his watch! So he tells us that we must work hard but who or what are we working so hard for? Certainly not us…In fact, we are working harder and doing for the rich so that the rich can get richer. There certainly have not been any real jobs for anyone on his watch. …. Just low-paying, no benefit slavery ones and many of them part time and temp jobs.
“Let’s face it: that belief has suffered some serious blows. Over more than three decades, even before the Great Recession hit, massive shifts in technology and global competition had eliminated a lot of good, middle-class jobs, and weakened the economic foundations that families depend on,” Obama went on.
So if that is the cause for us losing them, then I guess you are saying they are never coming back because that issue still remains.
“Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead. And too many still aren’t working at all.”
So why is it that Obama has done everything in his power along with the losers in congress to continue to put forth policies that actually continue to promote these things and the recovery is a lie? I supposed that is why he let the unemployment checks of 1.3 million unemployed Americans expire recently. Also, that must be why according to a report “poverty threshold for a family of four in 2013 was $23,550.” Also according to Roberts, “As only slightly more than one percent of Americans make more than $200,000 annually and less than four-tenths of one percent make $1,000,000 or more annually, there are not enough people with discretionary income to drive the economy with consumer spending. When real median family income and real per capita income ceased to grow and began falling, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan substituted a credit expansion to take the place of the missing growth in income. However, as consumers became loaded with debt, it was no longer possible to expand consumer spending with credit expansion.” (1)
Back to Obama:
“Our job is to reverse these tides. It won’t happen right away, and we won’t agree on everything. But what I offer tonight is a set of concrete, practical proposals to speed up growth, strengthen the middle class, and build new ladders of opportunity into the middle class. Some require Congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you. But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do,” he said.
“Opportunity is who we are. And the defining project of our generation is to restore that promise.”
If they are about opportunity then I have to ask what opportunity and Obama does not want to bypass the congress to help the American people. He wants to use the executive orders to put things through like TPP that will do nothing but hurt the American people. He wants to also dictate whatever he feels is best for him, the rest of the government, the bankers, and the corporations. He could care less about you and me or the chance that the middle class will ever reappear or he would not be doing everything to turn this place into a banana republic.
“The shift to a cleaner energy economy won’t happen overnight, and it will require tough choices along the way. But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact,” he said. “And when our children’s children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world, with new sources of energy, I want us to be able to say yes, we did.”
What a hoot! He must be forgetting about Fukushima, the failing nuclear power plants, and how he is doing nothing at all to repair the aged ones. Nothing safe, clean, or stable about that. Also…he has been talking about this clean energy for years but I still fail to see any!
“If John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could negotiate with the Soviet Union, then surely a strong and confident America can negotiate with less powerful adversaries today,” Obama said. “The sanctions that we put in place helped make this opportunity possible. But let me be clear: if this Congress sends me a new sanctions bill now that threatens to derail these talks, I will veto it.”
“For the sake of our national security, we must give diplomacy a chance to succeed. If Iran’s leaders do not seize this opportunity, then I will be the first to call for more sanctions, and stand ready to exercise all options to make sure Iran does not build a nuclear weapon. But if Iran’s leaders do seize the chance, then Iran could take an important step to rejoin the community of nations, and we will have resolved one of the leading security challenges of our time without the risks of war.”
Oh…I see…calling for sanctions on a country that has done absolutely nothing to deserve them. The only reason they think that they need sanctions is because Israel is lobbying for US to do so. It is all about money and greed and stealing land. Just like I said, this is not to help anybody but the super-rich and the crooks, and furthermore, it is unconstitutional.
“I think what you’re going to hear from the president on Tuesday night is a series of concrete, practical, specific proposals on how we restore opportunity through a wide set of means: job training, education, manufacturing, energy,” said White House advisor Dan Pheiffer on Fox News Sunday. “And these will be some legislative proposals, but also a number of actions he can take on his own.”
It’s never going to happen. Obama always promises job creation but it will not and cannot happen because they are doing everything in the government to stop it from ever happening and besides how many times have we heard this same song being played in his speeches? Anything that you hear from the Whitehouse and the mainstream news are just spewed lies.
“In the coming months, let’s see where else we can make progress together. Let’s make this a year of action. That’s what most Americans want – for all of us in this chamber to focus on their lives, their hopes, their aspirations. And what I believe unites the people of this nation, regardless of race or region or party, young or old, rich or poor, is the simple, profound belief in opportunity for all – the notion that if you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead,” he said.
American hopes and aspirations? I guess that he forgot to mention the TTP that he is secretly working out behind closed doors, the Ponzi scheme called Obamacare that he created, or the fact that we have lost tons more freedoms under his watch and not to mention, the horrible poverty that has blossomed under his watch! So he tells us that we must work hard but who or what are we working so hard for? Certainly not us…In fact, we are working harder and doing for the rich so that the rich can get richer. There certainly have not been any real jobs for anyone on his watch. …. Just low-paying, no benefit slavery ones and many of them part time and temp jobs.
“Let’s face it: that belief has suffered some serious blows. Over more than three decades, even before the Great Recession hit, massive shifts in technology and global competition had eliminated a lot of good, middle-class jobs, and weakened the economic foundations that families depend on,” Obama went on.
So if that is the cause for us losing them, then I guess you are saying they are never coming back because that issue still remains.
“Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by – let alone get ahead. And too many still aren’t working at all.”
So why is it that Obama has done everything in his power along with the losers in congress to continue to put forth policies that actually continue to promote these things and the recovery is a lie? I supposed that is why he let the unemployment checks of 1.3 million unemployed Americans expire recently. Also, that must be why according to a report “poverty threshold for a family of four in 2013 was $23,550.” Also according to Roberts, “As only slightly more than one percent of Americans make more than $200,000 annually and less than four-tenths of one percent make $1,000,000 or more annually, there are not enough people with discretionary income to drive the economy with consumer spending. When real median family income and real per capita income ceased to grow and began falling, Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan substituted a credit expansion to take the place of the missing growth in income. However, as consumers became loaded with debt, it was no longer possible to expand consumer spending with credit expansion.” (1)
Back to Obama:
“Our job is to reverse these tides. It won’t happen right away, and we won’t agree on everything. But what I offer tonight is a set of concrete, practical proposals to speed up growth, strengthen the middle class, and build new ladders of opportunity into the middle class. Some require Congressional action, and I’m eager to work with all of you. But America does not stand still – and neither will I. So wherever and whenever I can take steps without legislation to expand opportunity for more American families, that’s what I’m going to do,” he said.
“Opportunity is who we are. And the defining project of our generation is to restore that promise.”
If they are about opportunity then I have to ask what opportunity and Obama does not want to bypass the congress to help the American people. He wants to use the executive orders to put things through like TPP that will do nothing but hurt the American people. He wants to also dictate whatever he feels is best for him, the rest of the government, the bankers, and the corporations. He could care less about you and me or the chance that the middle class will ever reappear or he would not be doing everything to turn this place into a banana republic.
“The shift to a cleaner energy economy won’t happen overnight, and it will require tough choices along the way. But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact,” he said. “And when our children’s children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world, with new sources of energy, I want us to be able to say yes, we did.”
What a hoot! He must be forgetting about Fukushima, the failing nuclear power plants, and how he is doing nothing at all to repair the aged ones. Nothing safe, clean, or stable about that. Also…he has been talking about this clean energy for years but I still fail to see any!
“If John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan could negotiate with the Soviet Union, then surely a strong and confident America can negotiate with less powerful adversaries today,” Obama said. “The sanctions that we put in place helped make this opportunity possible. But let me be clear: if this Congress sends me a new sanctions bill now that threatens to derail these talks, I will veto it.”
“For the sake of our national security, we must give diplomacy a chance to succeed. If Iran’s leaders do not seize this opportunity, then I will be the first to call for more sanctions, and stand ready to exercise all options to make sure Iran does not build a nuclear weapon. But if Iran’s leaders do seize the chance, then Iran could take an important step to rejoin the community of nations, and we will have resolved one of the leading security challenges of our time without the risks of war.”
Oh…I see…calling for sanctions on a country that has done absolutely nothing to deserve them. The only reason they think that they need sanctions is because Israel is lobbying for US to do so. It is all about money and greed and stealing land. Just like I said, this is not to help anybody but the super-rich and the crooks, and furthermore, it is unconstitutional.
“I think what you’re going to hear from the president on Tuesday night is a series of concrete, practical, specific proposals on how we restore opportunity through a wide set of means: job training, education, manufacturing, energy,” said White House advisor Dan Pheiffer on Fox News Sunday. “And these will be some legislative proposals, but also a number of actions he can take on his own.”
It’s never going to happen. Obama always promises job creation but it will not and cannot happen because they are doing everything in the government to stop it from ever happening and besides how many times have we heard this same song being played in his speeches? Anything that you hear from the Whitehouse and the mainstream news are just spewed lies.
Friday, January 24, 2014
We are a cry baby nation full of hatred!
by Nan S.
Why do Americans hate so much?
Lets make a list of at least 21 of the stupidest reasons Americans have for hating each other:
Why do Americans hate so much?
Lets make a list of at least 21 of the stupidest reasons Americans have for hating each other:
- Americans hate people because of religious beliefs
- Americans hate people because they are in poverty
- Americans hate people who are a different color than them
- Americans hate people based on looks
- Americans hate people who are socially introverted
- Americans hate because of different political views
- Americans hate people who have no family
- Americans hate people who are single
- Americans hate single mothers
- Americans hate the mentally ill. That is with the exception of being a Psychopath which Americans are afraid to hate.
- Protestant Christians hate Catholic Christians and vice versa!
- Atheists hate Christians and vice versa
- Zionist Americans were brainwashed to hate Muslim Americans.
- Some American anti-Zionists hate all Jews because of the Zionist Jews.
- Some Americans hate people who like cats
- Americans hate the homeless
- Americans hate people who work lower paying jobs and the unemployed
- Americans hate people based on rumors and lies without questioning whether it is true or not
- Americans hate Conspiracy Theorists
- Americans hate homosexuals or homosexuals hate straight people
- Americans hate people who are not politically correct
We are just a hateful people and we are getting worse as the days go on. People judge others for the dumbest reasons and it is no wonder why nothing is getting done to repair the damage in this country. People just don't care about each other anymore. Perhaps we should put our differences aside and step back and think about more than just ourselves for a change. Maybe then, this hellhole will finally be able to heal and we will be strong enough to put those evil no-gooders in their places once and for all and take back the world which has been shattered to pieces with our contempt for one another. When you think about it, people still act like they are still in first grade and fighting just like little children and they still fight over toys, status, rumors, lies, and because they cannot get their own way. Just like a little spoiled brat, they stomp (on each other) and cry just because they cannot get their own way. How would they ever be able to handle it during an apocalypse? Such whiny babies!
Thursday, January 23, 2014
The cats want to eat the mice for dinner!
By Nan S
So just let them eat cake…!
Like Cats, the bankers will pounce on the mice (us), trap its meal…and eat !!!
I have been neglecting this article for a while because I have not been sure in what direction that I wanted to take it. It has been sitting up in Before It News for some time as a rough draft because I was using it as a test post when I posted my very first thing and decided to leave it there until I figured out what exactly to do with it. I figured it out earlier today so here it is.
The rich are able to have all the entitlements off of all of the backs of every American and beyond in this world while the rest of us can just die. They send all our jobs away and even deny us of a decent job and yet no one has any problem with these scum bags getting entitlements. Nope, only public monies are wrong. They have no problem with spending all the money on their useless wars for profit! Or all the monies they use to spy on all of us. They are the problem, not anybody else!
Now they are pretending that Obama-care is an entitlement when it is a ponzi scheme designed to take even more of our money. So they are going to deny the people of health-care by making them buy expensive health-care that they cannot afford while forcing them to pay a fine if they don’t and take Medicare away from the elderly and call that affordable health-care and take away the only means that some have to live by cutting SS! They also cut off unemployment monies completely during rough times. They are using all different kinds of propaganda to turn us against each other. It is called Divide and Conquer! People actually go along with it instead of pulling together and fixing this country.
You see these politicians and how well they live. They purchase expensive clothing, go on expensive vacations, golf, and eat feasts, while they contrive more ways to deny” us the people” of any kind of a life. Why do people still trust any of them? I say out with all of them and normal people who care about normal humans take charge of this country and an end to the special interest groups. No more Federal Reserve. We can print our own money and quit catering to the Too Big to fail bankers!
The truth is that they are trying to find new ways of torturing us and shipping all the jobs away while putting the scissors to all safety nets when it is needed most. However, nothing takes the cake as much as this:
“On May 2014, through Europe newborn children will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip.
Public clinics in the European Union are to be alerted. The chip in inquiry will be contributed with the report sheet on the newborn.
This chip will also be an impressive GPS sensor that will task with a micro- disposable battery every 2 years in state clinics. GPS chip grants an edge of error of 5 meters, as a statement that it is excellent.
It will be linked straight to a satellite, which will guide the networks. As forecasted, this chip will be essential for all kids born after May 2014, but with a present confirmation date until December 2016. “(Earth Heal)
Everything that started in the United Kingdom eventually always makes its rounds to the US. The article did not specify exactly when they are planning on rolling this out in the United States but it probably will be sooner than we want it to be which means that you people better rise and shine and help stop this before it starts. You know what this means if we allow this to happen. It means that they will be able to track every human being on this planet and do to us whatever the hell they wish. This RFID chip has a GPS sensor attached to it that will be able to tell where you are at all times so it will be impossible to hide and your safety will be totally compromised if or when this becomes a total totalitarian society. Not that we are not almost already there but we are still under a softer version because we are still armed. As I said in past articles, they take more and more rights from us but in slow increments that get faster and faster as time goes by. We are almost there and there are still many of us who are still not able to see what is now so obvious. People will undeniably be lured into allowing this to be done to first their babies and then them. They already have gotten us to be bamboozled into taking their poison vaccines by saying that it is mandatory that all children get them. Medical professionals often over encourage the parents to get them or they will make them feel guilt-ridden if they do not and many will threaten to call child welfare if you refuse. This is how it is all going to begin with these RFID chips and if you do it, you have just marked your child for life. Another approach that they will use is the “new cool look” and “everybody is doing it” approach and people will fall for it. They will use their favorite celebrities to advertise it and so on! They may even bend so low as to get Church leaders to say it is okay and that it will bring you closer to God or Jesus will know how to find you if you have the chip implanted. They will just find new and creative ways to bypass Revelation 13:16-18 that the people will actually fall for it. Then finally, like those verses say, they will not allow you to buy or sell without one and that will get the remainder of us!
The other very creepy thing about this is that they will be able to control what you think and do through it using radio waves. ““When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye,”, Dr. Kilde indicates “it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. “ (The Canadian)
Say hello to the zombie apocalypse, folks!
They are using this to kill two birds with one stone because this will also encourage people to not have children which will help them further their depopulation strategy which will help them with their Agenda 21. So what should one do about this if it should occur when they are pregnant? If it were me, I would not bother even bringing kids into this miserable Hellhole until we get this resolved but sometimes things do not go according to planned. Anyhow, one approach would be to not have to give birth to the child in the hospital once this starts and not even bother telling anybody that you cannot trust about it. It will not be easy to do but when things get that desperate, there is not going to be any other choice, because otherwise, you would be placing your child in danger in such a hopeless situation. Hopefully, we will push back on this and stop it so it will never happen but we need to be alert and aware of any new technology that they try to sneak past us from here on out. You can call me a crazy conspiracy theorist but just remember that people were calling us this back when we told them that we were being spied on through our phones and Internet because they have been misled for so long by the mainstream-lies-networks that you are a kook if you question anything that the government does even if it is so painfully obvious or even if it is backed by facts.
Just keep in mind when you doubt that things are not right anymore in this world, that there are a lot of things that have changed so very quickly since 911, and even write down a list about what all has changed since then and investigate it before you automatically dismiss what these conspiracy theorists are trying to convey to you. Watch a Tom and Jerry cartoon or whatever it takes to make you realize that they are the cats and we are the mice who must outsmart them before they swallow us whole for dinner!
So just let them eat cake…!
Like Cats, the bankers will pounce on the mice (us), trap its meal…and eat !!!
I have been neglecting this article for a while because I have not been sure in what direction that I wanted to take it. It has been sitting up in Before It News for some time as a rough draft because I was using it as a test post when I posted my very first thing and decided to leave it there until I figured out what exactly to do with it. I figured it out earlier today so here it is.
The rich are able to have all the entitlements off of all of the backs of every American and beyond in this world while the rest of us can just die. They send all our jobs away and even deny us of a decent job and yet no one has any problem with these scum bags getting entitlements. Nope, only public monies are wrong. They have no problem with spending all the money on their useless wars for profit! Or all the monies they use to spy on all of us. They are the problem, not anybody else!
Now they are pretending that Obama-care is an entitlement when it is a ponzi scheme designed to take even more of our money. So they are going to deny the people of health-care by making them buy expensive health-care that they cannot afford while forcing them to pay a fine if they don’t and take Medicare away from the elderly and call that affordable health-care and take away the only means that some have to live by cutting SS! They also cut off unemployment monies completely during rough times. They are using all different kinds of propaganda to turn us against each other. It is called Divide and Conquer! People actually go along with it instead of pulling together and fixing this country.
You see these politicians and how well they live. They purchase expensive clothing, go on expensive vacations, golf, and eat feasts, while they contrive more ways to deny” us the people” of any kind of a life. Why do people still trust any of them? I say out with all of them and normal people who care about normal humans take charge of this country and an end to the special interest groups. No more Federal Reserve. We can print our own money and quit catering to the Too Big to fail bankers!
The truth is that they are trying to find new ways of torturing us and shipping all the jobs away while putting the scissors to all safety nets when it is needed most. However, nothing takes the cake as much as this:
“On May 2014, through Europe newborn children will be compelled to take in a subcutaneous RFID chip.
Public clinics in the European Union are to be alerted. The chip in inquiry will be contributed with the report sheet on the newborn.
This chip will also be an impressive GPS sensor that will task with a micro- disposable battery every 2 years in state clinics. GPS chip grants an edge of error of 5 meters, as a statement that it is excellent.
It will be linked straight to a satellite, which will guide the networks. As forecasted, this chip will be essential for all kids born after May 2014, but with a present confirmation date until December 2016. “(Earth Heal)
Everything that started in the United Kingdom eventually always makes its rounds to the US. The article did not specify exactly when they are planning on rolling this out in the United States but it probably will be sooner than we want it to be which means that you people better rise and shine and help stop this before it starts. You know what this means if we allow this to happen. It means that they will be able to track every human being on this planet and do to us whatever the hell they wish. This RFID chip has a GPS sensor attached to it that will be able to tell where you are at all times so it will be impossible to hide and your safety will be totally compromised if or when this becomes a total totalitarian society. Not that we are not almost already there but we are still under a softer version because we are still armed. As I said in past articles, they take more and more rights from us but in slow increments that get faster and faster as time goes by. We are almost there and there are still many of us who are still not able to see what is now so obvious. People will undeniably be lured into allowing this to be done to first their babies and then them. They already have gotten us to be bamboozled into taking their poison vaccines by saying that it is mandatory that all children get them. Medical professionals often over encourage the parents to get them or they will make them feel guilt-ridden if they do not and many will threaten to call child welfare if you refuse. This is how it is all going to begin with these RFID chips and if you do it, you have just marked your child for life. Another approach that they will use is the “new cool look” and “everybody is doing it” approach and people will fall for it. They will use their favorite celebrities to advertise it and so on! They may even bend so low as to get Church leaders to say it is okay and that it will bring you closer to God or Jesus will know how to find you if you have the chip implanted. They will just find new and creative ways to bypass Revelation 13:16-18 that the people will actually fall for it. Then finally, like those verses say, they will not allow you to buy or sell without one and that will get the remainder of us!
The other very creepy thing about this is that they will be able to control what you think and do through it using radio waves. ““When a 5-micromillimeter microchip (the diameter of a strand of hair is 50 micromillimeters) is placed into optical nerve of the eye,”, Dr. Kilde indicates “it draws neuro-impulses from the brain that embody the experiences, smells, sights, and voice of the implanted person. Once transferred and stored in a computer, these neuro-impulses can be projected back to the person’s brain via the microchip to be re-experienced. Using a RMS, a land-based computer operator can send electromagnetic messages (encoded as signals) to the nervous system, affecting the target’s performance. With RMS, healthy persons can be induced to see hallucinations and to hear voices in their heads. “ (The Canadian)
Say hello to the zombie apocalypse, folks!
They are using this to kill two birds with one stone because this will also encourage people to not have children which will help them further their depopulation strategy which will help them with their Agenda 21. So what should one do about this if it should occur when they are pregnant? If it were me, I would not bother even bringing kids into this miserable Hellhole until we get this resolved but sometimes things do not go according to planned. Anyhow, one approach would be to not have to give birth to the child in the hospital once this starts and not even bother telling anybody that you cannot trust about it. It will not be easy to do but when things get that desperate, there is not going to be any other choice, because otherwise, you would be placing your child in danger in such a hopeless situation. Hopefully, we will push back on this and stop it so it will never happen but we need to be alert and aware of any new technology that they try to sneak past us from here on out. You can call me a crazy conspiracy theorist but just remember that people were calling us this back when we told them that we were being spied on through our phones and Internet because they have been misled for so long by the mainstream-lies-networks that you are a kook if you question anything that the government does even if it is so painfully obvious or even if it is backed by facts.
Just keep in mind when you doubt that things are not right anymore in this world, that there are a lot of things that have changed so very quickly since 911, and even write down a list about what all has changed since then and investigate it before you automatically dismiss what these conspiracy theorists are trying to convey to you. Watch a Tom and Jerry cartoon or whatever it takes to make you realize that they are the cats and we are the mice who must outsmart them before they swallow us whole for dinner!
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
A world turning into a dead zone
By Nan S
The state of the world has been a mess for many years but since 911, I have felt like I have traveled to an alternate world. We have completely transformed ourselves into a police state. Sadly, most people I talk to are still in slumber land. It feels as if most people are seeing a different world than what I perceive. For example, the other day, I told someone that I felt that the public school’s security was getting out of hand and the person said that I should be grateful for the security and how it is protecting my child from being shot. Well, these people only watch mainstream news and never go online to research outside the mainstream bubble. They have no idea that most of the shootings were false flag attacks. Likewise, they accept the official 9-11 lie. They watched the whole attack go down and even seen the BBC journalist announce that Building 7 went down before it actually did. They never questioned it.
They never felt that it was strange that every day from that point on that we have been losing one right after another. They were more concerned about watching their reality shows, football, getting drunk, and religion. I am not sure what is going through their minds but most of them seem to be living in la la land. It is something like having a bad dream because you suddenly see this really huge ant the size of a shoe crawling on a wall in the dream and you start freaking out and screaming and you look at everybody and they wonder why you are going nuts, because to them, it is completely normal for picnic ants to be that big.
Securities that have been put into place after 9-11
So much has went wrong in this country since then that it should be obvious to even a dimmer brained human. The security has built itself up to armed guards in the schools. In all the schools where I live, there are metal detectors as well (even in the elementary schools). When I was little, the schools did not have any security at all. None of the adults even raise an eyebrow about this. It is just business as usual to them. However, the security is infuriating to some of us and many of the children feel as though they are in prison rather than High School. Children are no longer allowed to be seen with scissors in school. They also have to be careful what they say and do. No more defending yourself from a bully or you will get fined or have the police called on you. If your child shows any signs of depression, you will be told to take them to a shrink and be forced to medicate them. They may even put them in Special education classes as well. Kids today are not allowed to be kids anymore.
They also rolled out the TSA advanced imaging technology (AIT) apparatus at the airports after the incident with the underwear bomber. They grope you and make flying a dreadful journey. Now they even have No Fly Lists for people that have done absolutely nothing wrong. They have check points and armed guards there as well. Where are they going to place this TSA next? In the stores, on the street, or maybe guarding our public restrooms? Seriously, how much more misery must we suffer before we have had enough?
Determining what is factual and what is not
Alternate news for the most part is very reliable but you must be able to determine what is propaganda and what is not. Often propaganda even finds its way into the alternate media and sometimes it is very hard to figure out whether it is true or not. The globalists want to keep us confused and distracted so they will often find ways to send rumors into the alternate stream. Most of the time it is just a lot of fear porn. There is also no doubt that there are writer’s sites that are being secretly operated by the globalists. The best way to determine what is good and what is not good is to educate yourself about how propaganda works. For me, it is a waiting game to find out what is and what is not strictly just coming from the rumor mill. Also, I avoid reading stuff that has hints of partisan politics in it. I judge the character of the writer as well. I have read articles that are basically very insulting and you have to ask yourself that if someone can be so ignorant than how can they be reliable? It is okay to speak negatively about some things but wrong if you say something that is judging a group of people based on stupid things like their color, social class, or how fat they are because they are in a certain group. This is childish and often angers the reader. No matter how well they write or how informative the article is, it causes the reader to think twice when reading another article from that person.
With that said, alternate news is much more reliable than mainstream which is chuck full of whoppers. Whoppers that are biased, Zionist, and bend toward what the corporations and bankers want you to believe. For example: They want you to think all is well with the economy or that war on Iran is the way to go. They want you to believe that Israel is always right and we must stand by any decision that they make no matter what because they are the chosen people and we are just subhumans that we must acquiesce at all cost or we are being anti-Semitic. That is the way this country operates now. Thank goodness we have the mainstream news to turn to…..Not!
The condition of our country now
In America today, everything around us seems to be crumbling. The infrastructure, the people, the police, the schools, our food (GMO), and I could list so many more things that this article could go on indefinitely. I can tell you first hand, that it is getting more and more difficult to get out of that bed every day because I find the state of this country and the world as a whole very depressing. It seems like you are not even allowed to be yourself these days. You are not allowed to have a voice or you risk having it used against you. Anything good is considered evil and bad is the way to go. The more you lie and cheat, the better your chances in this place. How is that even right? People are being robbed more and more by the bankers and yet that is just A-Okay with most people. They have become so drugged up, dumbed down, and conditioned that most think that this is just fine. Business as usual !! If you dare complain about the state of affairs, they say that it is just the way it is! They will even try and push medicine and psychiatry on you if you dare even raise any arguments about the unfairness that is being placed on us every day after day! People do not stand up for themselves anymore. That is the thing of the past, they say. They also say that with a Big Happy Smile on their faces.
From a very early age, I knew something was wrong with the way this world operated. I remember sitting at the table as a really young kid and my Dad telling me that I will never be able to conform to society, but at the time, I took it as an insult. What I did not realize is that my Dad was actually telling me that I would never be a follower, and that no matter how much the world hated me for it, I would do things my own way. This is what every one of us needs to start doing. Following anything always leads to being a clueless sheep. It also causes you to give up who you were meant to be in the first place. I can only imagine what a wonderful world this would be if we were all ourselves and we took off our society masks. I can only imagine a world where substance made a person and not how much material wealth they have. Did you ever notice that when people pretend, that spirit inside them dies and they look pale and lifeless? This is what the medicine industry is doing to people. People become like lifeless shells and they conform to everything this police state wants them to be. It does not have to be this way. We can win this thing but that requires us to wake up and find that inner person inside us again.
Let’s face it, everything is crumbling around us and it got this way because we allowed ourselves to crumble first and to the point where we forgot who we actually are as a people. We forgot to love and respect one another. We allowed ourselves to be divided when we should not really be against each other. We should be against those ones who are doing all this to us. It doesn’t matter what walk of life we came from. Substance matters only! We need to quit listening to the lies of society and pull ourselves together as a people and try to resolve this awful mess that we have gotten ourselves into or the world is going to just come tumbling down on top of us one day. That day will be sooner than you think if we do not wake up.
The state of the world has been a mess for many years but since 911, I have felt like I have traveled to an alternate world. We have completely transformed ourselves into a police state. Sadly, most people I talk to are still in slumber land. It feels as if most people are seeing a different world than what I perceive. For example, the other day, I told someone that I felt that the public school’s security was getting out of hand and the person said that I should be grateful for the security and how it is protecting my child from being shot. Well, these people only watch mainstream news and never go online to research outside the mainstream bubble. They have no idea that most of the shootings were false flag attacks. Likewise, they accept the official 9-11 lie. They watched the whole attack go down and even seen the BBC journalist announce that Building 7 went down before it actually did. They never questioned it.
They never felt that it was strange that every day from that point on that we have been losing one right after another. They were more concerned about watching their reality shows, football, getting drunk, and religion. I am not sure what is going through their minds but most of them seem to be living in la la land. It is something like having a bad dream because you suddenly see this really huge ant the size of a shoe crawling on a wall in the dream and you start freaking out and screaming and you look at everybody and they wonder why you are going nuts, because to them, it is completely normal for picnic ants to be that big.
Securities that have been put into place after 9-11
So much has went wrong in this country since then that it should be obvious to even a dimmer brained human. The security has built itself up to armed guards in the schools. In all the schools where I live, there are metal detectors as well (even in the elementary schools). When I was little, the schools did not have any security at all. None of the adults even raise an eyebrow about this. It is just business as usual to them. However, the security is infuriating to some of us and many of the children feel as though they are in prison rather than High School. Children are no longer allowed to be seen with scissors in school. They also have to be careful what they say and do. No more defending yourself from a bully or you will get fined or have the police called on you. If your child shows any signs of depression, you will be told to take them to a shrink and be forced to medicate them. They may even put them in Special education classes as well. Kids today are not allowed to be kids anymore.
They also rolled out the TSA advanced imaging technology (AIT) apparatus at the airports after the incident with the underwear bomber. They grope you and make flying a dreadful journey. Now they even have No Fly Lists for people that have done absolutely nothing wrong. They have check points and armed guards there as well. Where are they going to place this TSA next? In the stores, on the street, or maybe guarding our public restrooms? Seriously, how much more misery must we suffer before we have had enough?
Determining what is factual and what is not
Alternate news for the most part is very reliable but you must be able to determine what is propaganda and what is not. Often propaganda even finds its way into the alternate media and sometimes it is very hard to figure out whether it is true or not. The globalists want to keep us confused and distracted so they will often find ways to send rumors into the alternate stream. Most of the time it is just a lot of fear porn. There is also no doubt that there are writer’s sites that are being secretly operated by the globalists. The best way to determine what is good and what is not good is to educate yourself about how propaganda works. For me, it is a waiting game to find out what is and what is not strictly just coming from the rumor mill. Also, I avoid reading stuff that has hints of partisan politics in it. I judge the character of the writer as well. I have read articles that are basically very insulting and you have to ask yourself that if someone can be so ignorant than how can they be reliable? It is okay to speak negatively about some things but wrong if you say something that is judging a group of people based on stupid things like their color, social class, or how fat they are because they are in a certain group. This is childish and often angers the reader. No matter how well they write or how informative the article is, it causes the reader to think twice when reading another article from that person.
With that said, alternate news is much more reliable than mainstream which is chuck full of whoppers. Whoppers that are biased, Zionist, and bend toward what the corporations and bankers want you to believe. For example: They want you to think all is well with the economy or that war on Iran is the way to go. They want you to believe that Israel is always right and we must stand by any decision that they make no matter what because they are the chosen people and we are just subhumans that we must acquiesce at all cost or we are being anti-Semitic. That is the way this country operates now. Thank goodness we have the mainstream news to turn to…..Not!
The condition of our country now
In America today, everything around us seems to be crumbling. The infrastructure, the people, the police, the schools, our food (GMO), and I could list so many more things that this article could go on indefinitely. I can tell you first hand, that it is getting more and more difficult to get out of that bed every day because I find the state of this country and the world as a whole very depressing. It seems like you are not even allowed to be yourself these days. You are not allowed to have a voice or you risk having it used against you. Anything good is considered evil and bad is the way to go. The more you lie and cheat, the better your chances in this place. How is that even right? People are being robbed more and more by the bankers and yet that is just A-Okay with most people. They have become so drugged up, dumbed down, and conditioned that most think that this is just fine. Business as usual !! If you dare complain about the state of affairs, they say that it is just the way it is! They will even try and push medicine and psychiatry on you if you dare even raise any arguments about the unfairness that is being placed on us every day after day! People do not stand up for themselves anymore. That is the thing of the past, they say. They also say that with a Big Happy Smile on their faces.
From a very early age, I knew something was wrong with the way this world operated. I remember sitting at the table as a really young kid and my Dad telling me that I will never be able to conform to society, but at the time, I took it as an insult. What I did not realize is that my Dad was actually telling me that I would never be a follower, and that no matter how much the world hated me for it, I would do things my own way. This is what every one of us needs to start doing. Following anything always leads to being a clueless sheep. It also causes you to give up who you were meant to be in the first place. I can only imagine what a wonderful world this would be if we were all ourselves and we took off our society masks. I can only imagine a world where substance made a person and not how much material wealth they have. Did you ever notice that when people pretend, that spirit inside them dies and they look pale and lifeless? This is what the medicine industry is doing to people. People become like lifeless shells and they conform to everything this police state wants them to be. It does not have to be this way. We can win this thing but that requires us to wake up and find that inner person inside us again.
Let’s face it, everything is crumbling around us and it got this way because we allowed ourselves to crumble first and to the point where we forgot who we actually are as a people. We forgot to love and respect one another. We allowed ourselves to be divided when we should not really be against each other. We should be against those ones who are doing all this to us. It doesn’t matter what walk of life we came from. Substance matters only! We need to quit listening to the lies of society and pull ourselves together as a people and try to resolve this awful mess that we have gotten ourselves into or the world is going to just come tumbling down on top of us one day. That day will be sooner than you think if we do not wake up.
Monday, January 20, 2014
What went Wrong?
Posted on January 20, 2014
Here are some gripes that I have with the way things are!
By Nan S
People cherry pick a lot and while they may believe in the same religions, political views, and other philosophies, their views can be polar opposite from each other. Often enough, they will adopt different views by giving into different meanings to the same views because they want to fit in with the most popular ideologies that the majorities in their social circle follow. They know in the back of their minds that this particular way of thinking is wrong but are still inclined to forsake the right way just because they fear that they will become the odd ball. The American society has brainwashed us in mass over the years to believe that you are a crackpot if you utilize any individual thought or defend anything that may be remotely intelligent. Group-think is the American way these days. The problem with all of this Stinking Thinking is that the people are clinging to a lower way of thinking that was created by the overlords so people would become more divided, lack commonsense, and submit to the desires of these callous overlords so they can continue to do whatever they (the Top Cats) wish to do to destroy us and so we will never question them about all the evil schemes they have created to bring us to our demise.
So what if people think you are a weirdo for thinking for yourself. Why should it matter what people like that think? If it is because you are afraid of losing friends then I have to ask you why you would want friends like that in the first place. There are plenty of good people out there. They are just more difficult to find because they are too busy hiding from the crazy micromanager types. I remember Bewitched and how there was a really nosey lady next store named Gladys Kravitz. Well, in this place today, there seems to be a world full of Gladys Kravitzes. Everybody wants to know everyone else’s business and there is a really big reason why they do even though it is not a very good reason. They want to know because they want to find a reason to judge others for their own benefit and nobody else’s. I cannot stand these types. They are very hard to work with, and most of the time, I find excuses to avoid these neurotic trolls. They are one of the main reasons that this world is in decay. They are a distraction to everybody by causing discord and hatred. They are the types that go around and label people as weak, stupid, and mentally ill and fail to see that they are the ones who really have an issue. Many of them are bigoted, opinionated, and ignorant, and do not seem to know when to stop running that big fat mouth. They are the type of people that will call the landlord or the cops when they hear one little noise that is not really loud at all or they will text the landlord 3 or four times a day because they smell cigarette smoke in the building even though all the tenets end up having to smoke outside just to please this arrogant loser who just wants to cause chaos. Those nosey ones are also the same people who have gotten smoking outlawed in almost every public place and the same people who will probably turn others into law enforcement for being a terrorist if we turn into a full fledge dictatorship just because they do not like the people or want a reason to make everyone hate them. Beware of them and don’t become like them. Some people will advocate for certain groups having freedoms but still be against other groups for having freedoms just because somewhere along the line, something has caused them to grow a bias towards a certain group of individuals. For example, some people do not believe a Christian should be arrested or persecuted but at the same time think that it is okay for a homosexual to be arrested and persecuted. But if you think it is okay to arrest the people in one group for a noncriminal lifestyle just because you don’t like it then you are not truly fighting for freedom. Everyone has a right to believe in both of these things as long as it is not hurting others and it is clearly their business not yours. I have a real problem with this. You either want freedom for all or you are not really serious about having it at all.
Today, people are forced to give up any kind of dignity that they once had. The moneychangers are outsourcing more and more job opportunities on top of everything else. So what choices will people really have left when there are no jobs to be gotten? The only choices for many right now that are left are saying that they have developed a mental problem and start collecting a check. Yes, the more and more they ship jobs away, the more people are left with either that or to become homeless and starve. It almost seems to me that the Psychopaths running everything want to put us all in this position that either we find work or we must say we are crazy to have our basic needs meant. This is probably why they have shut off the option of receiving unemployment benefits. They want us to all to feel like a bunch of incompetent losers so we will think we deserve everything that they are doing to us because we are too stupid and worthless to become successful even though they are making it more and more impossible to become better off. They are playing with our heads and this helps them to get more control over us. They want a nanny state and will make sure it happens to every single one of us if we do not stop them. They want to make it look like we are all incompetent, then we are not competent enough to own a gun, and we need them to help us control ourselves. They want us to be their dumb Goyim.
This is all going to end bad for them because the more they rape us, dehumanize us, and deny us of our integrity, the more we will push back. However, this all depends on how many brain cells we have left before they are through with us. Of course, there is another choice but many are too afraid to attempt it and it cannot even be contemplated until we stop following all their clever little tactics because it is going to take all the peoples in the world to do it and the demonoids on top know this and this is why they are using the Division strategy and this has been working quite well for them so far. We must change that and the sooner, the better!
I sometimes think that maybe it is the amount of flu shots that some people are taking. There are many people who take flu shots every year, and maybe it is my imagination, but it seems like many of the people who do that, seem to be getting stupider than what they used to be. Maybe the shots are getting more potent as the years pass by. Do you know that there are things in those shots that have been known to destroy cells and DNA? I do not understand why anyone would want to trust their precious health to these big pharmaceuticals which are run by crooks like Bill and Melinda Gates who are responsible for paying lots of money to push these vaccines which have jeopardized many children all over the world especially the underdeveloped ones. I read somewhere today that Flu shots actually heighten your chances of getting the flu and I believe that because once I took one and all year long I got viruses after viruses when normally I never get bugs. I am assuming that these flu shots actually weaken your immune system so it is my suggestion that everyone quit paying for them. I have some articles right on this site that discuss this with some links about the subject. Of course, in many medical institutions, they have made it mandatory for people to take vaccinations or you will lose your job and since jobs are becoming an endangered species here in the USA, that pretty much places you in a Catch 22 situation!
Debt is another way that they are using us to bring us into line. Many people are paying on debts that they should not have to pay on in the first place. For one thing, we bailed these big banks out already, and technically, it is fair to say that it is them that owe us even if we have not been able to pay them back because they just keep charging more and more interest as the years go by. They continue to raise tuition so we will be forced to take out loans that we will never be able to pay it back so we will be in debt to them forever. Education should not be that expensive in the first place. For one thing, most people who are going to college now can no longer find a decent paying job when they graduate (and that is a scam in itself) and are often stuck flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s instead and are saddled with a big tumor of a debt hanging on them like a skin tag for the rest of their lives. They continue to pay it off because they are threatened that if they do not, their wages will be garnished, threatened with jail, or have their cars and/or homes repossessed. They live under constant anxiety and misery on top of worrying about living from paycheck to paycheck. These people will probably never be able to get married, have families, or live the so called American Dream. No wonder so many people these days are going nuts and need mental help!
Yet, we are still busy arguing amongst ourselves about simpleton things like politics, race, social class, and religion. We are still trying to find interesting and unique ways to diminish each other’s characters just so we can feel like Royalty when we already know that in the eyes of the Kings and Queens on top, we are nothing but vermin. We should be busy finding interesting and unique ways to pants them and expose all their nakedness and repulsiveness instead.
So why did it all go wrong? Why have people become so apathetic, dumb, submissive, hateful, and afraid to stand up for what is right? Why have people decided to just let everything go to the Land Fill including themselves?
Here are some gripes that I have with the way things are!
By Nan S
People cherry pick a lot and while they may believe in the same religions, political views, and other philosophies, their views can be polar opposite from each other. Often enough, they will adopt different views by giving into different meanings to the same views because they want to fit in with the most popular ideologies that the majorities in their social circle follow. They know in the back of their minds that this particular way of thinking is wrong but are still inclined to forsake the right way just because they fear that they will become the odd ball. The American society has brainwashed us in mass over the years to believe that you are a crackpot if you utilize any individual thought or defend anything that may be remotely intelligent. Group-think is the American way these days. The problem with all of this Stinking Thinking is that the people are clinging to a lower way of thinking that was created by the overlords so people would become more divided, lack commonsense, and submit to the desires of these callous overlords so they can continue to do whatever they (the Top Cats) wish to do to destroy us and so we will never question them about all the evil schemes they have created to bring us to our demise.
So what if people think you are a weirdo for thinking for yourself. Why should it matter what people like that think? If it is because you are afraid of losing friends then I have to ask you why you would want friends like that in the first place. There are plenty of good people out there. They are just more difficult to find because they are too busy hiding from the crazy micromanager types. I remember Bewitched and how there was a really nosey lady next store named Gladys Kravitz. Well, in this place today, there seems to be a world full of Gladys Kravitzes. Everybody wants to know everyone else’s business and there is a really big reason why they do even though it is not a very good reason. They want to know because they want to find a reason to judge others for their own benefit and nobody else’s. I cannot stand these types. They are very hard to work with, and most of the time, I find excuses to avoid these neurotic trolls. They are one of the main reasons that this world is in decay. They are a distraction to everybody by causing discord and hatred. They are the types that go around and label people as weak, stupid, and mentally ill and fail to see that they are the ones who really have an issue. Many of them are bigoted, opinionated, and ignorant, and do not seem to know when to stop running that big fat mouth. They are the type of people that will call the landlord or the cops when they hear one little noise that is not really loud at all or they will text the landlord 3 or four times a day because they smell cigarette smoke in the building even though all the tenets end up having to smoke outside just to please this arrogant loser who just wants to cause chaos. Those nosey ones are also the same people who have gotten smoking outlawed in almost every public place and the same people who will probably turn others into law enforcement for being a terrorist if we turn into a full fledge dictatorship just because they do not like the people or want a reason to make everyone hate them. Beware of them and don’t become like them. Some people will advocate for certain groups having freedoms but still be against other groups for having freedoms just because somewhere along the line, something has caused them to grow a bias towards a certain group of individuals. For example, some people do not believe a Christian should be arrested or persecuted but at the same time think that it is okay for a homosexual to be arrested and persecuted. But if you think it is okay to arrest the people in one group for a noncriminal lifestyle just because you don’t like it then you are not truly fighting for freedom. Everyone has a right to believe in both of these things as long as it is not hurting others and it is clearly their business not yours. I have a real problem with this. You either want freedom for all or you are not really serious about having it at all.
Today, people are forced to give up any kind of dignity that they once had. The moneychangers are outsourcing more and more job opportunities on top of everything else. So what choices will people really have left when there are no jobs to be gotten? The only choices for many right now that are left are saying that they have developed a mental problem and start collecting a check. Yes, the more and more they ship jobs away, the more people are left with either that or to become homeless and starve. It almost seems to me that the Psychopaths running everything want to put us all in this position that either we find work or we must say we are crazy to have our basic needs meant. This is probably why they have shut off the option of receiving unemployment benefits. They want us to all to feel like a bunch of incompetent losers so we will think we deserve everything that they are doing to us because we are too stupid and worthless to become successful even though they are making it more and more impossible to become better off. They are playing with our heads and this helps them to get more control over us. They want a nanny state and will make sure it happens to every single one of us if we do not stop them. They want to make it look like we are all incompetent, then we are not competent enough to own a gun, and we need them to help us control ourselves. They want us to be their dumb Goyim.
This is all going to end bad for them because the more they rape us, dehumanize us, and deny us of our integrity, the more we will push back. However, this all depends on how many brain cells we have left before they are through with us. Of course, there is another choice but many are too afraid to attempt it and it cannot even be contemplated until we stop following all their clever little tactics because it is going to take all the peoples in the world to do it and the demonoids on top know this and this is why they are using the Division strategy and this has been working quite well for them so far. We must change that and the sooner, the better!
I sometimes think that maybe it is the amount of flu shots that some people are taking. There are many people who take flu shots every year, and maybe it is my imagination, but it seems like many of the people who do that, seem to be getting stupider than what they used to be. Maybe the shots are getting more potent as the years pass by. Do you know that there are things in those shots that have been known to destroy cells and DNA? I do not understand why anyone would want to trust their precious health to these big pharmaceuticals which are run by crooks like Bill and Melinda Gates who are responsible for paying lots of money to push these vaccines which have jeopardized many children all over the world especially the underdeveloped ones. I read somewhere today that Flu shots actually heighten your chances of getting the flu and I believe that because once I took one and all year long I got viruses after viruses when normally I never get bugs. I am assuming that these flu shots actually weaken your immune system so it is my suggestion that everyone quit paying for them. I have some articles right on this site that discuss this with some links about the subject. Of course, in many medical institutions, they have made it mandatory for people to take vaccinations or you will lose your job and since jobs are becoming an endangered species here in the USA, that pretty much places you in a Catch 22 situation!
Debt is another way that they are using us to bring us into line. Many people are paying on debts that they should not have to pay on in the first place. For one thing, we bailed these big banks out already, and technically, it is fair to say that it is them that owe us even if we have not been able to pay them back because they just keep charging more and more interest as the years go by. They continue to raise tuition so we will be forced to take out loans that we will never be able to pay it back so we will be in debt to them forever. Education should not be that expensive in the first place. For one thing, most people who are going to college now can no longer find a decent paying job when they graduate (and that is a scam in itself) and are often stuck flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s instead and are saddled with a big tumor of a debt hanging on them like a skin tag for the rest of their lives. They continue to pay it off because they are threatened that if they do not, their wages will be garnished, threatened with jail, or have their cars and/or homes repossessed. They live under constant anxiety and misery on top of worrying about living from paycheck to paycheck. These people will probably never be able to get married, have families, or live the so called American Dream. No wonder so many people these days are going nuts and need mental help!
Yet, we are still busy arguing amongst ourselves about simpleton things like politics, race, social class, and religion. We are still trying to find interesting and unique ways to diminish each other’s characters just so we can feel like Royalty when we already know that in the eyes of the Kings and Queens on top, we are nothing but vermin. We should be busy finding interesting and unique ways to pants them and expose all their nakedness and repulsiveness instead.
So why did it all go wrong? Why have people become so apathetic, dumb, submissive, hateful, and afraid to stand up for what is right? Why have people decided to just let everything go to the Land Fill including themselves?
Saturday, January 18, 2014
How to survive in a post-apocalyptic world!
Posted on January 18, 2014
By Nan S.
Many humans are prepping these days but many lack the proper skills to survive otherwise. The Amish already got that all down. Just putting food away for such an event will not be enough and only thinking about yourself in such an event will surely lead to your destruction. In a sense, that is exactly what is happening now to us. In this society, we have become self-destructive, materialistic, lazy, divided, and fail to see the big picture. Why don’t we stop it before it starts? Problem solved!
When I was little, the very first thing I learned in kindergarten was that I was very self-seeking and learning to share was something that I despised. I always wanted to be the very first person to get in line even if it was not my turn (Especially Birthdays). I wanted to celebrate my birthday in place of all the other students. I would put up a big protest to have my own way. Guess what? I grew up! Over the years, I learned the hard way that I sometimes must take the back seat and that other’s needs sometimes came before mine. I am now more attentive to the needs of others. Probably more courteous to others than many in this society today and it is mostly because we have become duped into thinking that generosity is a sign of weakness.
So people have become thoughtful and generous to the evil lords but not to each other. They are more altruistic to the despots who are running the show than they are to each other. Don’t get me wrong, I see a neat little shift starting to bloom in this society. More and more people are starting to rise from their slumber and help each other as times get harder. Why that is happening is because they are being humbled and seeing what it is like on the other side of the coin where human suffering is more of the norm (I would love to see this happen to the overlords as well). Lolz! The more this happens, the more something is going to take hold in us and a strong rapport between us will become more and more of a reality. That is precisely what we need to do to pull ourselves out of this mess that those nasty money grubbers have gotten us into and that we have allowed ourselves to get into because we turned truth and kindness on its head.
Suffering is not a picnic but I notice that the more we get our own way, the nastier we become towards each other. That does not mean that I believe that we should just let the bullies walk all over us and steal everything we have and destroy all that we have. What I mean is that we should never turn a deaf ear on others who are suffering or down on their luck. We should not oppress others and rip-off every bit of dignity they have left just because we feel the need to feel like kings and queens ourselves for the day. We cannot afford to weaken each other or to allow division to shatter us apart.
What if we continue to allow the evildoers to continue to commandeer all our wealth in this country and we become a third world hell hole? So, if we cannot even stop them now, how would we ever be able to survive in an apocalyptic world?
A couple of cops just got acquitted for beating a harmless homeless man and this stuff continues to go on in America and we give it little notice just like the radioactive fish we are bringing home from the store, just like the condition of our economy, and the many more regulations that we are seeing that are being added on a daily basis. When America falls, will we fall too or will we decide to be in unison with each other and discover many new creative ways to get past it? Better yet, maybe if we started to approach it that way now, it will never happen.
In this matrix like setup that was always a matrix of sort, but now things have transformed what it seems like in the blink of an eye and everyone is so caught up in their own imaginary worlds, I am beginning to believe they are either living in an alternate existence or they pretend that they are. I mean look at the latest stories this week alone. According to CBS Baltimore, the DHS has rolled out their helicopters just so they can begin to spy on citizens in Baltimore. They plan on flying these machines very close (150 feet from ground) so they can measure radiation levels from the ground because those helicopters are from the National Nuclear Security Administration and have special sensors for measuring this and are capable of precisely locating these communities. This is their excuse anyhow and I think this will make people feel like they are living in a war zone. (1)
Is it not bad enough that we have cameras all over the place pointing at us like guns? Make a trip to McDonalds or Walmart and you will see tons of them all over the place. Corporations have become so paranoid that they need all these CCTV surveillance systems all over the place. It makes you wonder why they need so many of them in one place. Every single time that they remodel their stores, it seems like they add another one to the collection. Very creepy to see them everywhere when in this world (Pre -911) there were not any. Maybe there would be a small amount of cameras inside the business in case of a robbery at the most. These CCTV cameras have also been placed all over the highways, too.
We do not even have privacy on some highways anymore. The TSA invades our privacy in airports and now they are doing it on our highways and often abuse drivers for minor offences or even just if the driver questions them about these draconian measures. We have no privacy on our telephones and Internet either. Public Schools have become mini prisons with armed police guarding the halls and metal detection devices that were not there before 2000 and many people I talk to nowadays still believe the lie that it is just for our own safety. I think it is creepy and always did. I feel like a criminal living in an Orwellian Hell Hole and it changed so quickly. I feel like I entered the Twilight Zone. This country is now one giant prison and nobody seems to give a crap. So if they do not care, they will never stand up against the system and more and more of these measures will be put into placement to the point that we will not even be able to exist. They will design more and more rules that will benefit only the rich and punish us. They will eventually force us to take toxic Flu vaccines (they are already doing this with vaccines in some medical fields and with childhood vaccinations which are probably causing us most of our chronic illnesses), limit how much food and water we have, how much electricity we can use, when we can go out or where we can go. Hell…it may even get as bad as the Hunger Games according to their Agenda 21 project. We are already portioned off into districts that are eerily similar to that. The more technology they get, the more that they will be able to box us in if we let them.
If the natural order has a hissy fit and decides to step in and let the Yellowstone Super volcano erupt, it is probably because we let it get this far!
If the natural order has a hissy fit and decides to step in and let the Yellowstone Super volcano erupt, it is probably because we let it get this far!
Monday, January 13, 2014
The complacency of the oligarchy and inanity of the population
By Nan S.
For your reference too
I read an article the other day that I think every American should read to un-cloud their minds and pull the cobwebs out of their eyes once and for all about what is really happening to the United States. It is about how the constitution was not written for the people but written for the depraved losers in the District of Columbia instead. It was written so we would consent to them enslaving this country easier. I do not want to be a spoiler so you can read it for yourself. If you still have not gotten it after reading all that then you probably had a lobotomy. Here is a link to that article:
The Constitution Con
It befuddles me how befuddled everyone still is!
“Sir Joseph Stamp was director of the Bank of England from 1928 to 1941. He openly addressed the colossal power of the Bankers:
The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again…Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit.”
In my article, 8 ways that humanity (as we know it) has become the sinking Titanic, I have included some links that discuss the Feral Reserve and how it works.…
Continue reading →
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Confronting the Human Race
By Nan S
Three different kinds of people exist on this orb:
The Psychopathic Vampire
This is a type of human that takes the pleasure in trampling all over humanity for their own benefit. All Globalists fall into this very category. Many others also fall into this category. It is not hard to identify these monsters. They are spongers! If you let them do it long enough, like the Wraiths on Star Gate, they will suck the life out of you. I have dealt with many people like these behemoths in my life. They do not care how anyone feels or reacts to them. They take no sympathy on you even if they see how much misery that they have caused you because of them. They are usurpers, greedy, and heartless. They manipulate people for entertainment and love to watch them become despondent and destitute. Many have delusions of Grandeur. They think that they are the only ones entitled to any kind of contentment and that everyone else is below them and deserves only misery. If you let them abuse you long enough, they will make you believe that you are rubbish. Then you will start doing their bidding because they will promise you that if you follow their rules, you will become like them but it never happens. You just become their slaves and they become your feudal lords.
The Passive/Gullible underlings
3 things cause humans to be passive.
Gullibility, Apathy, or Fear
Humans are a strange creature and many these days have become so accustomed to rules, respect for the authorities or superiors that they have forgotten to evaluate these establishments before accepting everything that they recommend for us. They trust these people because we have been conditioned over the years (in slow increments) to carelessly accept everything that they dish out to us whether it is good for us or bad.
Another thing that I have noticed is that it has been considered dishonorable to question the ruling class and the society and the way it is operated so people are afraid to stand up to it for fear that they will be cast out. In an upside down, twisted towards polar opposite and backwards place in which the US has become, some are just plain confused about what is right and wrong – especially those younger people who were born into it and never knew any other way. They need those of us who were taught different to reprogram them about how it is really supposed to be. Some of us older adults somehow devolved and now think this way too. How that happened, I cannot tell you. I guess for some, they are very easily corruptible or maybe they know the right way but refuse to follow it because they want to fit into the crowd and the latest trend.
According to the Webster Dictionary, apathy is defined as lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference. 2. Lack of emotion or feeling; impassiveness. Many people in the United States seem to reflect that definition. They have been distracted by football, Facebook, various religions, texting, work, gaming, TV shows, and other things which have taken their total focus off of important things going on in the world and around them. It is certainly fine to enjoy these outlets but it is also important that you take time out to update and educate yourself about the things that are going wrong in this place. Otherwise, it will just catch you like a thief in the night when it is way too late to stop it.
Stupidity is another cause whether we care to admit that we have been brainwashed, dumbed down, or drugged up to the point where we are clueless and do not care to be anything but dumb! As I said before, you do not have to go to college to raise your IQ. We have the internet and there is a whole World Wide Web out there that we can study. Yes, it takes work but it is very much worth it in the end.
The “I don’t give a fuck what you think!” type – Defiant/rebel
This is the type of person that we all should aim to be. These types are free thinkers. They are not afraid like the passive underlings to stand up to the psycho-vampires. They research and have a certain innate ability to sense when danger is near. The most disheartening fact is that if more of us do not become the defiant rebel, we are all going to wake up one day with a boot in our faces and it will be too late to stop it.
There are Three Political Parties ideologies on our planet
The type of person you are goes hand in hand with what kind of political party that you will most likely choose.
Conservative minded (extreme right) – mostly Psychotic vampires
Progressive minded (extreme left) – mostly Passive/Gullible underlings
Free minded – usually do not take political sides but can agree with some of the ideas from each of the parties above like I do. However, many also have some of their own unique ideas as well.
There are followers and there are leaders and there are somewhere inbetweeners! I wish that I could say that most of us are not followers but that would be a massive lie! Right now, the globalists have pulled some very bad misdeeds on us yet people are not watching or holding them accountable for any of what they have done to all of humanity. They continue to confiscate all our money and spend it on useless wars, to make more profit, to arm the thugs we call police now, to spy on us(NSA), to deny quality health care that everybody can afford, to sell us out to the corporations, big pharma, and the bankers, to make more and more laws as to box us all into hell on earth, to give us toxic vaccinations, spray us like unwanted bugs, give us Fukuradiation to finish the kill, dumb down our kids, ……and I could go on and on all day and all night with the interminable list of mayhems that these depraved losers have forced upon us.
Another cause of apathy is the fact that most people in America are so concerned with what everyone is doing. They put so much emphasis on how wrong someone else is instead of attempting to look at what might be wrong with themselves. They actually worry so much about the defects of others that they cannot spend their energies on looking at the shape of this world even though it is so apparent. Not only has that but division kept us from coming together and terminating this mayhem once and for all.
alternate news
We Terrorize You and Me!
By Nan S
In this country, it has become common practice to point the finger the other way when we are the ones who are guilty. We spend our days gossiping, oppressing, insulting, and demonizing each other because of our own insecurities about ourselves. We can say something really hurtful to someone else and instead of doing the right thing and apologizing for it, we pretend we never said it and start inventing falsehoods about the very victims we said it to or did it to and reversing the blame to them instead. This is how sociopaths operate and we all know that sociopathic tendencies are just as wrong as any other fault. Many mental illnesses have stigmas attached to them and that includes depression and anxiety but why do the behaviors of sociopaths never have a stigma attached to it even though it is so harmful to others?
Why is it so much more wrong in this society to be the victim than to be the oppressor? I believe its propaganda that we were conditioned to believe so people would not question the really big oppressors that are running this world and designed to make those in the lower classes to feel that since they were unable to be successful that they have failed and deserve poverty, misery, and oppression. In that way, they will believe that the wealthy are rich and powerful because they earned it. It is an illusion from the blood sucking vampires to continue milking the rest of us for everything we got and many of us are stupid enough to fall for it. We have been hoodwinked!
So it is bad enough that we go along with it but we are taking it a step further and are actually practicing it with each other. It is the American way! It is being taught in churches, schools, on TV, in the political circles, by parents, and social circles. It is catchy but I still do not seem to know why. It is cruel and even though it makes people feel extra special about themselves, it destroys the rest of us who have to put up with their shenanigans for way too long. It ruins lives. It ruins relationships. It ruins families and it is ruining this country and other countries.
Many people do it because they feel insignificant about themselves and it is ego porn to watch someone else fall below them. They never think about the damage that they are doing to the other person’s self-value. They never think about the reason the person has fallen that low. They can only think of one thing and that is their own feelings and achievements. They don’t think about how they are stomping on the other person’s face for their own personal gain. I bet they enjoy watching the person suffer even if the person is starving, homeless, or sick because of what they did to them. All they have to do is delude their pathetic egos with the lie that the person did this to themselves. They say, “No! It is not my fault that the economy is bad! It is not my fault that everyone is falling under hard times! I deserved every penny I stole off of the tax payers because those useless eaters are just taking up space anyhow!” Sound familiar? It is also an easy way out of having compassion for others. It is an out of sight, out of mind mentality! It is a way of turning someone’s dreams into a nightmare. Again, the cold hard truth is that it is the way of a psychopath/ sociopath.
The behavior is quite foolish and childlike but yet many never outgrow it and our society promotes it. It is so funny to go to different political forums on line to watch humans in both parties go at it like two children in a school yard. Most of the times both of them are clueless about what good morals and values really are. They look at the superficial principles rather than the ones that matter most.
For example: Republicans complain about good morals and values but condemn others for being unemployed, homeless, or hungry. They never are intelligent enough to think that those circumstances might be out of that person’s control, and given the way the economy is getting these days, they should be able to understand it better than that. Yet, if those same conservatives are complaining about Obama (I don’t like him either), then they all of a sudden agree that the economy stinks and there are no jobs! Oh the irony! Liberals do the same thing with their tactics. Same tactic but different issue. Let the children fight!
The United States is fighting with its own citizens with its own security measures, its laws, its cuts, and using the taxpayer’s money on wars that are hurting people in other countries as well. They use weapons of mass destruction against their own people such as NSA, poverty, destruction of the ecosystems, and extortions of different kinds. It started out 100 years ago after they allowed the Federal Reserve to take control of our money and it just keeps getting worse and worse and the pace of it is getting faster and faster like a train wreck waiting to happen.
Police are no longer peacemakers. Now, they are armed to the teethe against their own people who are going around using target practice on innocent people who accidently cross their paths the wrong way and they are killing dogs, too. If this is not psychopathic behavior, then what is?
Then comes ObamaCare! From what I gather, people are still having trouble getting signed up and yet more policies are being canceled, and the very few who get signed up are actually paying more. Why is the Obama administration forcing everyone to pay for it let alone pay for something that does not work for anyone but the wealthy corporations? How more insane is the New Year going to be?
My question is that what has happened to humanity? Why is everybody going bat shit crazy? Why the lack of compassion, consideration, and intelligence?
Humanity really went overboard shooting itself in the foot by allowing themselves to become passive and dumbed down. I read an article the other day about how the Iceland citizens overthrew their government. Since the government has been giving us the finger for so long, why aren’t we doing the same? I say it is long overdue but wait…I think I know…It is because we have become so divided against each other, that we have forgotten how to unite together on any issue whatsoever anymore! We are giving them exactly what they want which is another weapon that is called a DAC (Divide and Conquer) Weapon! Congratulations America. While you are busy fighting and bickering with each other, the bankers are using us for entertainment and they are laughing at us and walking away with all our money! Like they always say, “They are laughing all the way to the bank!”
People spend all their time reading things that are basically rumors that are nothing but distractions. I noticed it over at Before It News. There are the people who write the craziest most unproven rubbish and then there are people who write good informative alternate news articles. But guess whose work gets the most hits? Here is a clue: If you guessed the latter you are not correct! It amazes me how such a piece of rubbish can gather over 3000 hits. What I think is that people want to go in there and heckle the writers so they have somebody to argue with. In my opinion, those of us who write good articles that are not full of so much hokum do not get near enough attention for our work even though we put way more effort into it than people who copy and paste crazy nonsense and paste YouTube videos up for the same crap. I may be a beginner blogger but even that is better work than that stuff.
People are lonely these days because people no longer socialize the proper way anymore. To be honest, people are not much fun to hang out with anymore because they have become too politically correct, nosey, judgmental, and arrogant. They always want so much from each other and nobody cares about substance anymore. They only care about social status and money. They turn on you if you don’t have a good job even though good jobs no longer exist. The few that have those jobs act like they are too good to be associated with those who are living a more impoverished life style. They also judge people for other dumb things as like marital status, what kind of shoes you wear and even what you eat. They judge you by political affiliation, religion, how fat you are, and whether you are introverted or not. They also seem to be on the side of the wealthy bankers and hate anyone who advocates for the common man even if they are in poverty themselves. I think you know what group I am talking about! These are very backwoods people who claim to have so many morals and values and claim to follow Jesus but yet they disagree with everything that he stood for. I am not judging all Christians to be this way. I am just judging the neocon Zionist variety. Jesus believed in loving others, not tying them to the cross in his place so they too could be crucified over and over again. Yet, this is exactly what these backwoods type Jethro like Neanderthals are doing.
A final word
So, I would like to see people become compassionate, intelligent, and considerate again towards each other. Is that too much to ask? Is it so hard to quit listening to the claptrap that is being spewed by this society? Is it that hard to learn things for ourselves instead of listening to the mainstream like a herd of obedient cows? Is it so hard for us to put away all the drivel that we have invented to hurt another person just because we are too afraid to admit we are ever wrong? If you think it is too much to ask then it is time for a reality check!
In this country, it has become common practice to point the finger the other way when we are the ones who are guilty. We spend our days gossiping, oppressing, insulting, and demonizing each other because of our own insecurities about ourselves. We can say something really hurtful to someone else and instead of doing the right thing and apologizing for it, we pretend we never said it and start inventing falsehoods about the very victims we said it to or did it to and reversing the blame to them instead. This is how sociopaths operate and we all know that sociopathic tendencies are just as wrong as any other fault. Many mental illnesses have stigmas attached to them and that includes depression and anxiety but why do the behaviors of sociopaths never have a stigma attached to it even though it is so harmful to others?
Why is it so much more wrong in this society to be the victim than to be the oppressor? I believe its propaganda that we were conditioned to believe so people would not question the really big oppressors that are running this world and designed to make those in the lower classes to feel that since they were unable to be successful that they have failed and deserve poverty, misery, and oppression. In that way, they will believe that the wealthy are rich and powerful because they earned it. It is an illusion from the blood sucking vampires to continue milking the rest of us for everything we got and many of us are stupid enough to fall for it. We have been hoodwinked!
So it is bad enough that we go along with it but we are taking it a step further and are actually practicing it with each other. It is the American way! It is being taught in churches, schools, on TV, in the political circles, by parents, and social circles. It is catchy but I still do not seem to know why. It is cruel and even though it makes people feel extra special about themselves, it destroys the rest of us who have to put up with their shenanigans for way too long. It ruins lives. It ruins relationships. It ruins families and it is ruining this country and other countries.
Many people do it because they feel insignificant about themselves and it is ego porn to watch someone else fall below them. They never think about the damage that they are doing to the other person’s self-value. They never think about the reason the person has fallen that low. They can only think of one thing and that is their own feelings and achievements. They don’t think about how they are stomping on the other person’s face for their own personal gain. I bet they enjoy watching the person suffer even if the person is starving, homeless, or sick because of what they did to them. All they have to do is delude their pathetic egos with the lie that the person did this to themselves. They say, “No! It is not my fault that the economy is bad! It is not my fault that everyone is falling under hard times! I deserved every penny I stole off of the tax payers because those useless eaters are just taking up space anyhow!” Sound familiar? It is also an easy way out of having compassion for others. It is an out of sight, out of mind mentality! It is a way of turning someone’s dreams into a nightmare. Again, the cold hard truth is that it is the way of a psychopath/ sociopath.
The behavior is quite foolish and childlike but yet many never outgrow it and our society promotes it. It is so funny to go to different political forums on line to watch humans in both parties go at it like two children in a school yard. Most of the times both of them are clueless about what good morals and values really are. They look at the superficial principles rather than the ones that matter most.
For example: Republicans complain about good morals and values but condemn others for being unemployed, homeless, or hungry. They never are intelligent enough to think that those circumstances might be out of that person’s control, and given the way the economy is getting these days, they should be able to understand it better than that. Yet, if those same conservatives are complaining about Obama (I don’t like him either), then they all of a sudden agree that the economy stinks and there are no jobs! Oh the irony! Liberals do the same thing with their tactics. Same tactic but different issue. Let the children fight!
The United States is fighting with its own citizens with its own security measures, its laws, its cuts, and using the taxpayer’s money on wars that are hurting people in other countries as well. They use weapons of mass destruction against their own people such as NSA, poverty, destruction of the ecosystems, and extortions of different kinds. It started out 100 years ago after they allowed the Federal Reserve to take control of our money and it just keeps getting worse and worse and the pace of it is getting faster and faster like a train wreck waiting to happen.
Police are no longer peacemakers. Now, they are armed to the teethe against their own people who are going around using target practice on innocent people who accidently cross their paths the wrong way and they are killing dogs, too. If this is not psychopathic behavior, then what is?
Then comes ObamaCare! From what I gather, people are still having trouble getting signed up and yet more policies are being canceled, and the very few who get signed up are actually paying more. Why is the Obama administration forcing everyone to pay for it let alone pay for something that does not work for anyone but the wealthy corporations? How more insane is the New Year going to be?
My question is that what has happened to humanity? Why is everybody going bat shit crazy? Why the lack of compassion, consideration, and intelligence?
Humanity really went overboard shooting itself in the foot by allowing themselves to become passive and dumbed down. I read an article the other day about how the Iceland citizens overthrew their government. Since the government has been giving us the finger for so long, why aren’t we doing the same? I say it is long overdue but wait…I think I know…It is because we have become so divided against each other, that we have forgotten how to unite together on any issue whatsoever anymore! We are giving them exactly what they want which is another weapon that is called a DAC (Divide and Conquer) Weapon! Congratulations America. While you are busy fighting and bickering with each other, the bankers are using us for entertainment and they are laughing at us and walking away with all our money! Like they always say, “They are laughing all the way to the bank!”
People spend all their time reading things that are basically rumors that are nothing but distractions. I noticed it over at Before It News. There are the people who write the craziest most unproven rubbish and then there are people who write good informative alternate news articles. But guess whose work gets the most hits? Here is a clue: If you guessed the latter you are not correct! It amazes me how such a piece of rubbish can gather over 3000 hits. What I think is that people want to go in there and heckle the writers so they have somebody to argue with. In my opinion, those of us who write good articles that are not full of so much hokum do not get near enough attention for our work even though we put way more effort into it than people who copy and paste crazy nonsense and paste YouTube videos up for the same crap. I may be a beginner blogger but even that is better work than that stuff.
People are lonely these days because people no longer socialize the proper way anymore. To be honest, people are not much fun to hang out with anymore because they have become too politically correct, nosey, judgmental, and arrogant. They always want so much from each other and nobody cares about substance anymore. They only care about social status and money. They turn on you if you don’t have a good job even though good jobs no longer exist. The few that have those jobs act like they are too good to be associated with those who are living a more impoverished life style. They also judge people for other dumb things as like marital status, what kind of shoes you wear and even what you eat. They judge you by political affiliation, religion, how fat you are, and whether you are introverted or not. They also seem to be on the side of the wealthy bankers and hate anyone who advocates for the common man even if they are in poverty themselves. I think you know what group I am talking about! These are very backwoods people who claim to have so many morals and values and claim to follow Jesus but yet they disagree with everything that he stood for. I am not judging all Christians to be this way. I am just judging the neocon Zionist variety. Jesus believed in loving others, not tying them to the cross in his place so they too could be crucified over and over again. Yet, this is exactly what these backwoods type Jethro like Neanderthals are doing.
A final word
So, I would like to see people become compassionate, intelligent, and considerate again towards each other. Is that too much to ask? Is it so hard to quit listening to the claptrap that is being spewed by this society? Is it that hard to learn things for ourselves instead of listening to the mainstream like a herd of obedient cows? Is it so hard for us to put away all the drivel that we have invented to hurt another person just because we are too afraid to admit we are ever wrong? If you think it is too much to ask then it is time for a reality check!
8 ways that humanity (as we know it) has become the sinking Titanic
“When I die, it will be a shipwreck, and as when a huge ship sinks,
many people all around will be sucked down with it.”
Pablo Picasso
By Nan S.
There are all kinds of events going on in this world right now and most of them are being disregarded. Fukushima, the calamity of the oil spill, the goings on of the TPP which is being secretly worked out behind closed doors, possible war with Iran, and other areas of the world, our broken infrastructure, the police state, NSA, the tanking economy, massive homelessness, loss of jobs, brainwashed masses, and the list goes on. In this article I am going to give you a run down on the many things that are currently happening and provide links so you will at least be able to access the full info on each topic in this discussion at your finger tips.
1. Fukushima
The ship is sinking even faster with the Fukushima disaster. 300 tons of extremely radioactive water are being poured into the Pacific Ocean on a daily bases and it is affecting all the sea life which is eventually going to make it to all our supper tables. Ludicrous amounts of Cesium -137 are being emptied into the pacific and it is affecting salmon, plankton, star fish, sea lions, eagles, polar bears, and many other animals in the US, Canada, and Alaska. How long before it catches up with the rest of us? For more on that, read here:
36 signs Fukushima is affecting the west coast
This link will give you all the updates you need on what is happening at Fukushima
2. The Calamity of the oil Spill
The Deep Water Horizon Explosion occurred on April 20, 2010
If the oil spill was not enough, BP is using Core Exit to clean up the gulf which is even more hazardous to the health of humans and animals. This disaster still continues to ravage the gulf. Check it out here:
3. The TPP
The Transpacific Partnership is being secretly negotiated behind closed doors right now. There are many things attached to it that could turn this country into a nightmare and the most frightening part is that the Obama Administration is planning on pushing it through congress using Fast Track. This means that Fast Track allows the President to “negotiate an entire trade agreement over many years and then present it to Congress for an up or down vote within a short time period (60 to 90 days), with debate limited to 20 hours and no amendments.” (1)
You can read more about it here:
TPP –Negotiators still trying trade away internet freedoms
4. Global unrest
There are tons of wars being waged in this world today and most of the countries that are being targeted would be peaceful places if it were not for the US being so power hungry and wanting to take over every country around the world and replacing their governments with greedy Western puppet governments instead. It is mostly to do with the fact that the US is being paid off by Israeli lobbyists and special interests groups. The most important global tensions going on now are in the Middle East and Asia.
Iran and the latest talks in Geneva
5. The Tanking Economy
The economy is tanking and it all started in 1913 when we allowed the Federal Reserve to start printing our money. According to Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee (1930s), “Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.” How it works is “When the government is short of funds, the Treasury issues bonds and delivers them to bond dealers, which auction them off. When the Fed wants to “expand the money supply” (create money), it steps in and buys bonds from these dealers with newly-issued dollars acquired by the Fed for the cost of writing them into an account on a computer screen. These maneuvers are called “open market operations” because the Fed buys the bonds on the “open market” from the bond dealers. The bonds then become the “reserves” that the banking establishment uses to back its loans. In another bit of sleight of hand known as “fractional reserve” lending, the same reserves are lent many times over, further expanding the money supply, generating interest for the banks with each loan. It was this money-creating process that prompted Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1960s, to call the Federal Reserve “a total money-making machine.” He stated.
Here is a link on that article:
Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Bernanke Has Set The Stage For The Fed’s Collapse
There is also a stock market bubble that is about to burst that Michael Snyder discusses in this article. Read it here:
Stock market officially entered crazytown territory.
The case of the missing US economic recovery
With all that going on, there is also the concern about force-fed austerity measures being applied in this country and many other countries in the world. Food stamps are slowly being eliminated, and the latest measure is that the unemployment checks are being eliminated. Homelessness is on the rise. Food prices are skyrocketing and median wage jobs with benefits are rapidly being replaced with low paying part-time/temp jobs without any benefits and people are no longer able to put food on their tables for themselves or their families. So many houses are foreclosing and people are not making enough to pay rent, either. As a result, many people and their children are winding up out on the streets, living in campers, or tent cities. Tent cities have become so common that you see them not just in big cities but smaller ones as well. Nevertheless, many people are turned away from emergency shelters even if the temperatures are subzero. I have read many articles where people have frozen to death in these frightening situations. For more on the homeless, I urge you to type in Homelessness in America in your search engine.
The world's richest country and there are too many people already starving and freezing to death just because of the disgusting greed of the Wall Street bankers. The sad part is that if we continue to allow this disturbing practice to go on, it will eventually be us in that very situation. America is already not fit to live in for many.
6. Big brother, the NSA and Snooping
“Just let me give you some good advice
Don't get caught in the same trap twice
Every little thing you do
Big Brother Is Watching You
Don't put your business on the telephone
Don't go out and get well known
I could be your Waterloo
Big Brother Is Watching You
Don't tell nobody when you're having fun
Easy, walk don't run
Careful who you're talking to
Big Brother Is Watching You
Don't say nothing bad about a C. E. O.
When the money whistles, do see do
I only tell cause it’s true
Big Brother Is Watching You”
(Allison Mose)
And he predicted the NSA when he made that song back in the 60’s.
The NSA is the national security agency that is snooping on every person here and abroad. They listen into our phone calls, emails, and everything that we type on the Internet. There are also cameras that are being placed all over the place to police us and soon there will be drones in the sky to use for surveillance There is a lot to be said about this so I will just let you check it out through the links below. You can search for more but this will get you started about what it is all about if you are unfamiliar with it.
NSA to end all forms of encryption
It's not just your phone calls – it’s YOU they are listening to
Terms and Conditions and Government Spying
Drones patrolling the skies over America
NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers
Snowden leak reveals NSA tracks cell phone locations on unprecedented scale
7. Brainwashing the Masses
Many people do not realize just how brainwashed that they are and some do not even realize that they are brainwashed at all. There are many ways that we are being brainwashed on a massive scale. Media, Politics, schools, colleges, TV shows/movies, commercials, politics, and the way we were raised all play a role in just how brainwashed we get. Our situations in life can also push us down different paths which will determine how brainwashed we become. Many people in America right now seem to be devolving in intelligence. They do not seem to care about themselves or others. Their hygiene is going south. They do not exercise like they once did and they seem to follow the latest trends like a flock of herded farm animals. Go into Walmart and you will see exactly what I mean. Many people are doing very outrageous stuff these days. They are dressing in crazy outfits and some wearing barely anything at all. Some are wearing the most embarrassing things that even they would have made fun of if they saw somebody else wearing those same things years ago when they still had most of their brain cells intact. It all started when they started putting shows on Television like Jerry Springer where the women were encouraged to show their boobs just to be rewarded with Jerry beads. Beads that you can buy in a dollar store without having to give up so much dignity to do so. I think they even show the lower half to get those too. Never mind having respect for who you are anymore. It is a just a “let it all hang out for the world to see” mentality. What a way to make a whole entire gender look bad.
Another thing I have noticed is that hate is now being promoted everywhere. People are fighting over race, religion, who has a job and who doesn’t, who is gay or who is not, who is religious and who is not, who has an X box or who has a Play Station, and so on and on it goes forever. Forever reasons to despise each other and no time whatsoever to see that we are turning into a global plantation. It is encouraged to be divided in the United States. In politics and how many people still believe that one party cares any more for Main Street than the other. The only reason they use political parties is to divide us against each other and to brainwash the masses to give up their guns and submit to Wall Street. People love to ridicule each other so it is quite appealing to pit yourself against another who is living in more misery than you are. What many fail to understand is that these belief systems were also designed to distract us so we will not bother seeing the truth because the lies keep us fighting and bickering while Wall Street walks away all happy with all our money. They get the best of both worlds (being entertained and getting richer). We on the other hand, wake up one day and realize that we are laying on our mattresses on a curb somewhere, drained bank accounts, and empty store shelves! This is when we realize that we have become a third world banana republic and it is too late to fix it!
Final Note!
8. Miscellaneous
And if you think all that was bad, look at this:
Agent Orange coming to a farm near you
What’s the Scoop on Genetically-engineered and Pandemic Viruses?
Risk of supervolcano eruption big enough to ‘affect the world’ far greater than thought, say scientists
1. We Won’t Be Fooled by Rigged Corporate Trade Agreements
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