Posted on January 20, 2014
Here are some gripes that I have with the way things are!
By Nan S
People cherry pick a lot and while they may believe in the same religions, political views, and other philosophies, their views can be polar opposite from each other. Often enough, they will adopt different views by giving into different meanings to the same views because they want to fit in with the most popular ideologies that the majorities in their social circle follow. They know in the back of their minds that this particular way of thinking is wrong but are still inclined to forsake the right way just because they fear that they will become the odd ball. The American society has brainwashed us in mass over the years to believe that you are a crackpot if you utilize any individual thought or defend anything that may be remotely intelligent. Group-think is the American way these days. The problem with all of this Stinking Thinking is that the people are clinging to a lower way of thinking that was created by the overlords so people would become more divided, lack commonsense, and submit to the desires of these callous overlords so they can continue to do whatever they (the Top Cats) wish to do to destroy us and so we will never question them about all the evil schemes they have created to bring us to our demise.
So what if people think you are a weirdo for thinking for yourself. Why should it matter what people like that think? If it is because you are afraid of losing friends then I have to ask you why you would want friends like that in the first place. There are plenty of good people out there. They are just more difficult to find because they are too busy hiding from the crazy micromanager types. I remember Bewitched and how there was a really nosey lady next store named Gladys Kravitz. Well, in this place today, there seems to be a world full of Gladys Kravitzes. Everybody wants to know everyone else’s business and there is a really big reason why they do even though it is not a very good reason. They want to know because they want to find a reason to judge others for their own benefit and nobody else’s. I cannot stand these types. They are very hard to work with, and most of the time, I find excuses to avoid these neurotic trolls. They are one of the main reasons that this world is in decay. They are a distraction to everybody by causing discord and hatred. They are the types that go around and label people as weak, stupid, and mentally ill and fail to see that they are the ones who really have an issue. Many of them are bigoted, opinionated, and ignorant, and do not seem to know when to stop running that big fat mouth. They are the type of people that will call the landlord or the cops when they hear one little noise that is not really loud at all or they will text the landlord 3 or four times a day because they smell cigarette smoke in the building even though all the tenets end up having to smoke outside just to please this arrogant loser who just wants to cause chaos. Those nosey ones are also the same people who have gotten smoking outlawed in almost every public place and the same people who will probably turn others into law enforcement for being a terrorist if we turn into a full fledge dictatorship just because they do not like the people or want a reason to make everyone hate them. Beware of them and don’t become like them. Some people will advocate for certain groups having freedoms but still be against other groups for having freedoms just because somewhere along the line, something has caused them to grow a bias towards a certain group of individuals. For example, some people do not believe a Christian should be arrested or persecuted but at the same time think that it is okay for a homosexual to be arrested and persecuted. But if you think it is okay to arrest the people in one group for a noncriminal lifestyle just because you don’t like it then you are not truly fighting for freedom. Everyone has a right to believe in both of these things as long as it is not hurting others and it is clearly their business not yours. I have a real problem with this. You either want freedom for all or you are not really serious about having it at all.
Today, people are forced to give up any kind of dignity that they once had. The moneychangers are outsourcing more and more job opportunities on top of everything else. So what choices will people really have left when there are no jobs to be gotten? The only choices for many right now that are left are saying that they have developed a mental problem and start collecting a check. Yes, the more and more they ship jobs away, the more people are left with either that or to become homeless and starve. It almost seems to me that the Psychopaths running everything want to put us all in this position that either we find work or we must say we are crazy to have our basic needs meant. This is probably why they have shut off the option of receiving unemployment benefits. They want us to all to feel like a bunch of incompetent losers so we will think we deserve everything that they are doing to us because we are too stupid and worthless to become successful even though they are making it more and more impossible to become better off. They are playing with our heads and this helps them to get more control over us. They want a nanny state and will make sure it happens to every single one of us if we do not stop them. They want to make it look like we are all incompetent, then we are not competent enough to own a gun, and we need them to help us control ourselves. They want us to be their dumb Goyim.
This is all going to end bad for them because the more they rape us, dehumanize us, and deny us of our integrity, the more we will push back. However, this all depends on how many brain cells we have left before they are through with us. Of course, there is another choice but many are too afraid to attempt it and it cannot even be contemplated until we stop following all their clever little tactics because it is going to take all the peoples in the world to do it and the demonoids on top know this and this is why they are using the Division strategy and this has been working quite well for them so far. We must change that and the sooner, the better!
I sometimes think that maybe it is the amount of flu shots that some people are taking. There are many people who take flu shots every year, and maybe it is my imagination, but it seems like many of the people who do that, seem to be getting stupider than what they used to be. Maybe the shots are getting more potent as the years pass by. Do you know that there are things in those shots that have been known to destroy cells and DNA? I do not understand why anyone would want to trust their precious health to these big pharmaceuticals which are run by crooks like Bill and Melinda Gates who are responsible for paying lots of money to push these vaccines which have jeopardized many children all over the world especially the underdeveloped ones. I read somewhere today that Flu shots actually heighten your chances of getting the flu and I believe that because once I took one and all year long I got viruses after viruses when normally I never get bugs. I am assuming that these flu shots actually weaken your immune system so it is my suggestion that everyone quit paying for them. I have some articles right on this site that discuss this with some links about the subject. Of course, in many medical institutions, they have made it mandatory for people to take vaccinations or you will lose your job and since jobs are becoming an endangered species here in the USA, that pretty much places you in a Catch 22 situation!
Debt is another way that they are using us to bring us into line. Many people are paying on debts that they should not have to pay on in the first place. For one thing, we bailed these big banks out already, and technically, it is fair to say that it is them that owe us even if we have not been able to pay them back because they just keep charging more and more interest as the years go by. They continue to raise tuition so we will be forced to take out loans that we will never be able to pay it back so we will be in debt to them forever. Education should not be that expensive in the first place. For one thing, most people who are going to college now can no longer find a decent paying job when they graduate (and that is a scam in itself) and are often stuck flipping hamburgers at McDonald’s instead and are saddled with a big tumor of a debt hanging on them like a skin tag for the rest of their lives. They continue to pay it off because they are threatened that if they do not, their wages will be garnished, threatened with jail, or have their cars and/or homes repossessed. They live under constant anxiety and misery on top of worrying about living from paycheck to paycheck. These people will probably never be able to get married, have families, or live the so called American Dream. No wonder so many people these days are going nuts and need mental help!
Yet, we are still busy arguing amongst ourselves about simpleton things like politics, race, social class, and religion. We are still trying to find interesting and unique ways to diminish each other’s characters just so we can feel like Royalty when we already know that in the eyes of the Kings and Queens on top, we are nothing but vermin. We should be busy finding interesting and unique ways to pants them and expose all their nakedness and repulsiveness instead.
So why did it all go wrong? Why have people become so apathetic, dumb, submissive, hateful, and afraid to stand up for what is right? Why have people decided to just let everything go to the Land Fill including themselves?