Thursday, January 9, 2014

8 ways that humanity (as we know it) has become the sinking Titanic

“When I die, it will be a shipwreck, and as when a huge ship sinks,

many people all around will be sucked down with it.”

Pablo Picasso

By Nan S.

There are all kinds of events going on in this world right now and most of them are being disregarded. Fukushima, the calamity of the oil spill, the goings on of the TPP which is being secretly worked out behind closed doors, possible war with Iran, and other areas of the world, our broken infrastructure, the police state, NSA, the tanking economy, massive homelessness, loss of jobs, brainwashed masses, and the list goes on. In this article I am going to give you a run down on the many things that are currently happening and provide links so you will at least be able to access the full info on each topic in this discussion at your finger tips.

1. Fukushima

The ship is sinking even faster with the Fukushima disaster. 300 tons of extremely radioactive water are being poured into the Pacific Ocean on a daily bases and it is affecting all the sea life which is eventually going to make it to all our supper tables. Ludicrous amounts of Cesium -137 are being emptied into the pacific and it is affecting salmon, plankton, star fish, sea lions, eagles, polar bears, and many other animals in the US, Canada, and Alaska. How long before it catches up with the rest of us? For more on that, read here:

36 signs Fukushima is affecting the west coast
This link will give you all the updates you need on what is happening at Fukushima

2. The Calamity of the oil Spill

The Deep Water Horizon Explosion occurred on April 20, 2010

If the oil spill was not enough, BP is using Core Exit to clean up the gulf which is even more hazardous to the health of humans and animals. This disaster still continues to ravage the gulf. Check it out here:
3. The TPP

The Transpacific Partnership is being secretly negotiated behind closed doors right now. There are many things attached to it that could turn this country into a nightmare and the most frightening part is that the Obama Administration is planning on pushing it through congress using Fast Track. This means that Fast Track allows the President to “negotiate an entire trade agreement over many years and then present it to Congress for an up or down vote within a short time period (60 to 90 days), with debate limited to 20 hours and no amendments.” (1)

You can read more about it here:

TPP –Negotiators still trying trade away internet freedoms
4. Global unrest

There are tons of wars being waged in this world today and most of the countries that are being targeted would be peaceful places if it were not for the US being so power hungry and wanting to take over every country around the world and replacing their governments with greedy Western puppet governments instead. It is mostly to do with the fact that the US is being paid off by Israeli lobbyists and special interests groups. The most important global tensions going on now are in the Middle East and Asia.

Iran and the latest talks in Geneva

5. The Tanking Economy

The economy is tanking and it all started in 1913 when we allowed the Federal Reserve to start printing our money. According to Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee (1930s), “Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders.” How it works is “When the government is short of funds, the Treasury issues bonds and delivers them to bond dealers, which auction them off. When the Fed wants to “expand the money supply” (create money), it steps in and buys bonds from these dealers with newly-issued dollars acquired by the Fed for the cost of writing them into an account on a computer screen. These maneuvers are called “open market operations” because the Fed buys the bonds on the “open market” from the bond dealers. The bonds then become the “reserves” that the banking establishment uses to back its loans. In another bit of sleight of hand known as “fractional reserve” lending, the same reserves are lent many times over, further expanding the money supply, generating interest for the banks with each loan. It was this money-creating process that prompted Wright Patman, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1960s, to call the Federal Reserve “a total money-making machine.” He stated.

Here is a link on that article:

Who Owns the Federal Reserve?
Bernanke Has Set The Stage For The Fed’s Collapse

There is also a stock market bubble that is about to burst that Michael Snyder discusses in this article. Read it here:

Stock market officially entered crazytown territory.
The case of the missing US economic recovery

With all that going on, there is also the concern about force-fed austerity measures being applied in this country and many other countries in the world. Food stamps are slowly being eliminated, and the latest measure is that the unemployment checks are being eliminated. Homelessness is on the rise. Food prices are skyrocketing and median wage jobs with benefits are rapidly being replaced with low paying part-time/temp jobs without any benefits and people are no longer able to put food on their tables for themselves or their families. So many houses are foreclosing and people are not making enough to pay rent, either. As a result, many people and their children are winding up out on the streets, living in campers, or tent cities. Tent cities have become so common that you see them not just in big cities but smaller ones as well. Nevertheless, many people are turned away from emergency shelters even if the temperatures are subzero. I have read many articles where people have frozen to death in these frightening situations. For more on the homeless, I urge you to type in Homelessness in America in your search engine.

The world's richest country and there are too many people already starving and freezing to death just because of the disgusting greed of the Wall Street bankers. The sad part is that if we continue to allow this disturbing practice to go on, it will eventually be us in that very situation. America is already not fit to live in for many.

6. Big brother, the NSA and Snooping

“Just let me give you some good advice

 Don't get caught in the same trap twice

 Every little thing you do

 Big Brother Is Watching You

 Don't put your business on the telephone

 Don't go out and get well known

 I could be your Waterloo

 Big Brother Is Watching You

 Don't tell nobody when you're having fun

 Easy, walk don't run

 Careful who you're talking to

 Big Brother Is Watching You

 Don't say nothing bad about a C. E. O.

 When the money whistles, do see do

 I only tell cause it’s true

 Big Brother Is Watching You”

(Allison Mose)

And he predicted the NSA when he made that song back in the 60’s.

The NSA is the national security agency that is snooping on every person here and abroad. They listen into our phone calls, emails, and everything that we type on the Internet. There are also cameras that are being placed all over the place to police us and soon there will be drones in the sky to use for surveillance There is a lot to be said about this so I will just let you check it out through the links below. You can search for more but this will get you started about what it is all about if you are unfamiliar with it.

NSA to end all forms of encryption

It's not just your phone calls – it’s YOU they are listening to

Terms and Conditions and Government Spying

Drones patrolling the skies over America

NSA collecting phone records of millions of Verizon customers

Snowden leak reveals NSA tracks cell phone locations on unprecedented scale
7. Brainwashing the Masses

Many people do not realize just how brainwashed that they are and some do not even realize that they are brainwashed at all. There are many ways that we are being brainwashed on a massive scale. Media, Politics, schools, colleges, TV shows/movies, commercials, politics, and the way we were raised all play a role in just how brainwashed we get. Our situations in life can also push us down different paths which will determine how brainwashed we become. Many people in America right now seem to be devolving in intelligence. They do not seem to care about themselves or others. Their hygiene is going south. They do not exercise like they once did and they seem to follow the latest trends like a flock of herded farm animals. Go into Walmart and you will see exactly what I mean. Many people are doing very outrageous stuff these days. They are dressing in crazy outfits and some wearing barely anything at all. Some are wearing the most embarrassing things that even they would have made fun of if they saw somebody else wearing those same things years ago when they still had most of their brain cells intact. It all started when they started putting shows on Television like Jerry Springer where the women were encouraged to show their boobs just to be rewarded with Jerry beads. Beads that you can buy in a dollar store without having to give up so much dignity to do so. I think they even show the lower half to get those too. Never mind having respect for who you are anymore. It is a just a “let it all hang out for the world to see” mentality. What a way to make a whole entire gender look bad.

Another thing I have noticed is that hate is now being promoted everywhere. People are fighting over race, religion, who has a job and who doesn’t, who is gay or who is not, who is religious and who is not, who has an X box or who has a Play Station, and so on and on it goes forever. Forever reasons to despise each other and no time whatsoever to see that we are turning into a global plantation. It is encouraged to be divided in the United States. In politics and how many people still believe that one party cares any more for Main Street than the other. The only reason they use political parties is to divide us against each other and to brainwash the masses to give up their guns and submit to Wall Street. People love to ridicule each other so it is quite appealing to pit yourself against another who is living in more misery than you are. What many fail to understand is that these belief systems were also designed to distract us so we will not bother seeing the truth because the lies keep us fighting and bickering while Wall Street walks away all happy with all our money. They get the best of both worlds (being entertained and getting richer). We on the other hand, wake up one day and realize that we are laying on our mattresses on a curb somewhere, drained bank accounts, and empty store shelves! This is when we realize that we have become a third world banana republic and it is too late to fix it!

Final Note!

8. Miscellaneous

And if you think all that was bad, look at this:

Agent Orange coming to a farm near you

What’s the Scoop on Genetically-engineered and Pandemic Viruses?

Risk of supervolcano eruption big enough to ‘affect the world’ far greater than thought, say scientists

1. We Won’t Be Fooled by Rigged Corporate Trade Agreements