By Nan S
In this country, it has become common practice to point the finger the other way when we are the ones who are guilty. We spend our days gossiping, oppressing, insulting, and demonizing each other because of our own insecurities about ourselves. We can say something really hurtful to someone else and instead of doing the right thing and apologizing for it, we pretend we never said it and start inventing falsehoods about the very victims we said it to or did it to and reversing the blame to them instead. This is how sociopaths operate and we all know that sociopathic tendencies are just as wrong as any other fault. Many mental illnesses have stigmas attached to them and that includes depression and anxiety but why do the behaviors of sociopaths never have a stigma attached to it even though it is so harmful to others?
Why is it so much more wrong in this society to be the victim than to be the oppressor? I believe its propaganda that we were conditioned to believe so people would not question the really big oppressors that are running this world and designed to make those in the lower classes to feel that since they were unable to be successful that they have failed and deserve poverty, misery, and oppression. In that way, they will believe that the wealthy are rich and powerful because they earned it. It is an illusion from the blood sucking vampires to continue milking the rest of us for everything we got and many of us are stupid enough to fall for it. We have been hoodwinked!
So it is bad enough that we go along with it but we are taking it a step further and are actually practicing it with each other. It is the American way! It is being taught in churches, schools, on TV, in the political circles, by parents, and social circles. It is catchy but I still do not seem to know why. It is cruel and even though it makes people feel extra special about themselves, it destroys the rest of us who have to put up with their shenanigans for way too long. It ruins lives. It ruins relationships. It ruins families and it is ruining this country and other countries.
Many people do it because they feel insignificant about themselves and it is ego porn to watch someone else fall below them. They never think about the damage that they are doing to the other person’s self-value. They never think about the reason the person has fallen that low. They can only think of one thing and that is their own feelings and achievements. They don’t think about how they are stomping on the other person’s face for their own personal gain. I bet they enjoy watching the person suffer even if the person is starving, homeless, or sick because of what they did to them. All they have to do is delude their pathetic egos with the lie that the person did this to themselves. They say, “No! It is not my fault that the economy is bad! It is not my fault that everyone is falling under hard times! I deserved every penny I stole off of the tax payers because those useless eaters are just taking up space anyhow!” Sound familiar? It is also an easy way out of having compassion for others. It is an out of sight, out of mind mentality! It is a way of turning someone’s dreams into a nightmare. Again, the cold hard truth is that it is the way of a psychopath/ sociopath.
The behavior is quite foolish and childlike but yet many never outgrow it and our society promotes it. It is so funny to go to different political forums on line to watch humans in both parties go at it like two children in a school yard. Most of the times both of them are clueless about what good morals and values really are. They look at the superficial principles rather than the ones that matter most.
For example: Republicans complain about good morals and values but condemn others for being unemployed, homeless, or hungry. They never are intelligent enough to think that those circumstances might be out of that person’s control, and given the way the economy is getting these days, they should be able to understand it better than that. Yet, if those same conservatives are complaining about Obama (I don’t like him either), then they all of a sudden agree that the economy stinks and there are no jobs! Oh the irony! Liberals do the same thing with their tactics. Same tactic but different issue. Let the children fight!
The United States is fighting with its own citizens with its own security measures, its laws, its cuts, and using the taxpayer’s money on wars that are hurting people in other countries as well. They use weapons of mass destruction against their own people such as NSA, poverty, destruction of the ecosystems, and extortions of different kinds. It started out 100 years ago after they allowed the Federal Reserve to take control of our money and it just keeps getting worse and worse and the pace of it is getting faster and faster like a train wreck waiting to happen.
Police are no longer peacemakers. Now, they are armed to the teethe against their own people who are going around using target practice on innocent people who accidently cross their paths the wrong way and they are killing dogs, too. If this is not psychopathic behavior, then what is?
Then comes ObamaCare! From what I gather, people are still having trouble getting signed up and yet more policies are being canceled, and the very few who get signed up are actually paying more. Why is the Obama administration forcing everyone to pay for it let alone pay for something that does not work for anyone but the wealthy corporations? How more insane is the New Year going to be?
My question is that what has happened to humanity? Why is everybody going bat shit crazy? Why the lack of compassion, consideration, and intelligence?
Humanity really went overboard shooting itself in the foot by allowing themselves to become passive and dumbed down. I read an article the other day about how the Iceland citizens overthrew their government. Since the government has been giving us the finger for so long, why aren’t we doing the same? I say it is long overdue but wait…I think I know…It is because we have become so divided against each other, that we have forgotten how to unite together on any issue whatsoever anymore! We are giving them exactly what they want which is another weapon that is called a DAC (Divide and Conquer) Weapon! Congratulations America. While you are busy fighting and bickering with each other, the bankers are using us for entertainment and they are laughing at us and walking away with all our money! Like they always say, “They are laughing all the way to the bank!”
People spend all their time reading things that are basically rumors that are nothing but distractions. I noticed it over at Before It News. There are the people who write the craziest most unproven rubbish and then there are people who write good informative alternate news articles. But guess whose work gets the most hits? Here is a clue: If you guessed the latter you are not correct! It amazes me how such a piece of rubbish can gather over 3000 hits. What I think is that people want to go in there and heckle the writers so they have somebody to argue with. In my opinion, those of us who write good articles that are not full of so much hokum do not get near enough attention for our work even though we put way more effort into it than people who copy and paste crazy nonsense and paste YouTube videos up for the same crap. I may be a beginner blogger but even that is better work than that stuff.
People are lonely these days because people no longer socialize the proper way anymore. To be honest, people are not much fun to hang out with anymore because they have become too politically correct, nosey, judgmental, and arrogant. They always want so much from each other and nobody cares about substance anymore. They only care about social status and money. They turn on you if you don’t have a good job even though good jobs no longer exist. The few that have those jobs act like they are too good to be associated with those who are living a more impoverished life style. They also judge people for other dumb things as like marital status, what kind of shoes you wear and even what you eat. They judge you by political affiliation, religion, how fat you are, and whether you are introverted or not. They also seem to be on the side of the wealthy bankers and hate anyone who advocates for the common man even if they are in poverty themselves. I think you know what group I am talking about! These are very backwoods people who claim to have so many morals and values and claim to follow Jesus but yet they disagree with everything that he stood for. I am not judging all Christians to be this way. I am just judging the neocon Zionist variety. Jesus believed in loving others, not tying them to the cross in his place so they too could be crucified over and over again. Yet, this is exactly what these backwoods type Jethro like Neanderthals are doing.
A final word
So, I would like to see people become compassionate, intelligent, and considerate again towards each other. Is that too much to ask? Is it so hard to quit listening to the claptrap that is being spewed by this society? Is it that hard to learn things for ourselves instead of listening to the mainstream like a herd of obedient cows? Is it so hard for us to put away all the drivel that we have invented to hurt another person just because we are too afraid to admit we are ever wrong? If you think it is too much to ask then it is time for a reality check!