Saturday, January 18, 2014

How to survive in a post-apocalyptic world!

Posted on January 18, 2014

By Nan S.

Many humans are prepping these days but many lack the proper skills to survive otherwise. The Amish already got that all down. Just putting food away for such an event will not be enough and only thinking about yourself in such an event will surely lead to your destruction. In a sense, that is exactly what is happening now to us. In this society, we have become self-destructive, materialistic, lazy, divided, and fail to see the big picture. Why don’t we stop it before it starts? Problem solved!

When I was little, the very first thing I learned in kindergarten was that I was very self-seeking and learning to share was something that I despised. I always wanted to be the very first person to get in line even if it was not my turn (Especially Birthdays). I wanted to celebrate my birthday in place of all the other students. I would put up a big protest to have my own way. Guess what? I grew up! Over the years, I learned the hard way that I sometimes must take the back seat and that other’s needs sometimes came before mine. I am now more attentive to the needs of others. Probably more courteous to others than many in this society today and it is mostly because we have become duped into thinking that generosity is a sign of weakness.

So people have become thoughtful and generous to the evil lords but not to each other. They are more altruistic to the despots who are running the show than they are to each other. Don’t get me wrong, I see a neat little shift starting to bloom in this society. More and more people are starting to rise from their slumber and help each other as times get harder. Why that is happening is because they are being humbled and seeing what it is like on the other side of the coin where human suffering is more of the norm (I would love to see this happen to the overlords as well). Lolz! The more this happens, the more something is going to take hold in us and a strong rapport between us will become more and more of a reality. That is precisely what we need to do to pull ourselves out of this mess that those nasty money grubbers have gotten us into and that we have allowed ourselves to get into because we turned truth and kindness on its head.

Suffering is not a picnic but I notice that the more we get our own way, the nastier we become towards each other. That does not mean that I believe that we should just let the bullies walk all over us and steal everything we have and destroy all that we have. What I mean is that we should never turn a deaf ear on others who are suffering or down on their luck. We should not oppress others and rip-off every bit of dignity they have left just because we feel the need to feel like kings and queens ourselves for the day. We cannot afford to weaken each other or to allow division to shatter us apart.

What if we continue to allow the evildoers to continue to commandeer all our wealth in this country and we become a third world hell hole? So, if we cannot even stop them now, how would we ever be able to survive in an apocalyptic world?

A couple of cops just got acquitted for beating a harmless homeless man and this stuff continues to go on in America and we give it little notice just like the radioactive fish we are bringing home from the store, just like the condition of our economy, and the many more regulations that we are seeing that are being added on a daily basis. When America falls, will we fall too or will we decide to be in unison with each other and discover many new creative ways to get past it? Better yet, maybe if we started to approach it that way now, it will never happen.

In this matrix like setup that was always a matrix of sort, but now things have transformed what it seems like in the blink of an eye and everyone is so caught up in their own imaginary worlds, I am beginning to believe they are either living in an alternate existence or they pretend that they are. I mean look at the latest stories this week alone. According to CBS Baltimore, the DHS has rolled out their helicopters just so they can begin to spy on citizens in Baltimore. They plan on flying these machines very close (150 feet from ground) so they can measure radiation levels from the ground because those helicopters are from the National Nuclear Security Administration and have special sensors for measuring this and are capable of precisely locating these communities. This is their excuse anyhow and I think this will make people feel like they are living in a war zone. (1)

Is it not bad enough that we have cameras all over the place pointing at us like guns? Make a trip to McDonalds or Walmart and you will see tons of them all over the place. Corporations have become so paranoid that they need all these CCTV surveillance systems all over the place. It makes you wonder why they need so many of them in one place. Every single time that they remodel their stores, it seems like they add another one to the collection. Very creepy to see them everywhere when in this world (Pre -911) there were not any. Maybe there would be a small amount of cameras inside the business in case of a robbery at the most. These CCTV cameras have also been placed all over the highways, too.

We do not even have privacy on some highways anymore. The TSA invades our privacy in airports and now they are doing it on our highways and often abuse drivers for minor offences or even just if the driver questions them about these draconian measures. We have no privacy on our telephones and Internet either. Public Schools have become mini prisons with armed police guarding the halls and metal detection devices that were not there before 2000 and many people I talk to nowadays still believe the lie that it is just for our own safety. I think it is creepy and always did. I feel like a criminal living in an Orwellian Hell Hole and it changed so quickly. I feel like I entered the Twilight Zone. This country is now one giant prison and nobody seems to give a crap. So if they do not care, they will never stand up against the system and more and more of these measures will be put into placement to the point that we will not even be able to exist. They will design more and more rules that will benefit only the rich and punish us. They will eventually force us to take toxic Flu vaccines (they are already doing this with vaccines in some medical fields and with childhood vaccinations which are probably causing us most of our chronic illnesses), limit how much food and water we have, how much electricity we can use, when we can go out or where we can go. Hell…it may even get as bad as the Hunger Games according to their Agenda 21 project. We are already portioned off into districts that are eerily similar to that. The more technology they get, the more that they will be able to box us in if we let them.


If the natural order has a hissy fit and decides to step in and let the Yellowstone Super volcano erupt, it is probably because we let it get this far!

